主页 > 土木工程 > 给排暖通 >


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摘    要

Water supply system using zoning water supply, from municipal pipe line connection 1 root DN50 municipal straight for introducing tube and 1 DN100 living water tank into pipe, the negative second floor to the ground three layers for the municipal pipe network direct supply, four twelve and thirteen to twenty layer with variable speed pump parallel connection water supply. The fire pool of reinforced concrete structures, a basement pump room outside, the effective volume of 240 cubic meters. Sewage diversion system is adopted in the building, sewage diversion system, and the outdoor drainage system, the sewage diversion system, discharged into the municipal sewer after the examination well.. The double pipe ventilation system is adopted in the bathroom.. The basement drainage drainage ditch pool drained to the sump, the submersible sewage pump up and drained to check well. Gravity drainage half pressure flow system, rainwater collected from the roof drain rain water pipe row to check well.
According to the specification, the building is a high-rise buildings, outdoor fire hydrant water 30L / s, indoor fire hydrant water 40L / s fire continue time 2H. The fire hydrant to enrich the water column height 12M, length 25m hose, gun nozzle flow 5.2L/s, riser diameter is DN100. On the roof floor test a fire hydrant, fire hydrant box each are equipped with remote start the fire pump button.
The building uses wet sprinkler system, spray system design flow 16L/s. Alarm valve is arranged on the basement pump room, all the layers of the design water flow indicator, end water test equipment and signal valve, the signal was sent to fire control center. The sprinkler system of this project is divided into 3 zones.. The roof fire water tank storage fire early 10min automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant system water fire, the initial fire extinguishing by water supply, post fire from the basement of the fire pump and spray pump water supply.
Keywords: water supply system, drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, rain water system.



第一章  给排水工程设计任务书    - 5 -
1.1 工程概况    - 5 -
1.2设计依据    - 5 -
1.3设计内容    - 5 -
    1.4设计任务    - 6 -
1. 5设计成果要求    - 6 -
第二章  设计说明书    - 7 -
2.1  室内给水工程    - 7 -
2.1.1给水方式选择    - 7 -
2.1.2给水系统竖向分区    - 7 -
2.1.3给水系统的组成    - 7 -
2.1.4给水管道布置与安装    - 7 -
2.2 室内排水工程    - 8 -
2.2.1排水方式的选择    - 8 -
2.2.2排水系统的组成    - 8 -
2.2.3排水管道及设备安装要求    - 8 -
2.3 室内消火栓系统    - 8 -
2.3.1消防系统设计    - 9 -
2.3.2消火栓给水管道的安装与布置    - 9 -
2.4  自动喷淋工程    - 9 -
2.4.1基本设计数据    - 10 -
2.4.2喷头的选用与布置    - 10 -
    2.5 管道及设备的安装    - 10 -
        2.5.1给水管道及设备安装    ...- 10 -
2.5.2排水管道的安装要求    - 10 -
2.5.3消防管道及设备安装    - 11 -
第三章 建筑给水排水系统计算    - 12 -
3.1室内给水系统计算    - 12 -
3.1.1给水用水定额及时间变化系数    - 12 -
3.1.2最高日用水量    - 12 -
3.1.3最大时用水量    - 12 -
3.1.4设计秒流量    - 12 -
3.1.5地下贮水池容积    - 12 -
3.1.6室内所需压力计算    - 13 -
3.2  消火栓系统的计算    - 21 -
3.2.1设计参数    - 21 -
3.2.2消火栓系统的计算    - 21 -
3.2.3水枪喷嘴处所需的水压    - 22 -
3.2.4水枪喷嘴的出流量    - 22 -
3.2.5水带阻力    - 22 -
    3.2.6消火栓口所需的水压    - 22 -
        3.2.7校核    - 22 -
        3.2.8水力计算    - 23 -
3.2.9消防水箱    - 24 -
3.2.10消防贮水池    - 25 -
3.2.11水泵接合器选定    - 26 -
3.2.12消火栓减压计算    - 26 -
    3.3     室内自动喷水灭火系统的计算    - 28 -
3.3.1基本设计数据    - 28 -
3.3.2喷头的选用与布置    - 28 -
3.3.3系统的设计流量    - 28 -
3.3.4水力计算    - 29 -
3.3.5选泵    - 34 -
        3.3.6水泵结合器    - 34 -
3.3.7喷淋减压计算    - 34 -
3.4  室内排水系统的计算    - 35 -
        3.4.1横支管计算    - 35 -
        3.4.2 一层单排计算    -38 -
        3.4.3立管计算    - 39 -
        3.4.4排出管计算    - 39 -
        3.4.5集水坑及提升泵计算选型    - 39 -
    3.5 雨水系统的设计与计算    - 41 -
3.5.1降雨强度    - 41 -
        3.5. 2设计秒流量    - 42 -
        3.5. 3溢流口排水量    - 44 -
        3.5.4雨水斗选用    - 44 -
        3.5.5连接管计算    - 44 -
    3.6室外排水系统的设计与计算    - 45 -
        3.6.1室外雨水管网计算    - 45 -
        3.6.2室外污水管网计算    - 46 -
参考文献    - 47 -
总结    - 48 -
谢辞    - 49 -
