来源 资料编号:5D10914 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D10914

在线点歌管理系统的设计与实现(ASP.NET,SQL)(含录像)(开题报告,毕业论文15400字,程序代码,SQLserver数据库,答辩PPT) 摘要
Design and implementation of the management system for online VOD
Along with the development of Internet technology, daily life can not already do without the network. The life and work of the social people of future will depend on the development of digital technology more and more ,Digitize more and more, the networking, electronic, virtual. Development course and present application state and development trend of Internet, can believe network technology great change life and working way of us fully, Even a certain change will take place in the values of the society.
This procedure tries to build up a bookshop in the network with ASP.NET, So that every customer needn't go out and can do shopping easily through surfing the Net at home .this article is analyzing the design and realization of an online bookshop with Data Mining function, from the views of theory and practice. Starting with introducing concepts and techniques of OOA and OOP in detail, especially introducing the knowledge which apply for this system, such as: the feature and flow of OOA and OOP; analyzing the feature、structure and using method of developing techniques ASP.NET and ADO.NET which using in my system. And then, this article analyses the feasibility of the system, then minutely layouts the design thoughts, goals and the system holistic framework. At last, this article minutely explains the design and realization of Web page layout, data base and application program of our system.
This online bookstore system uses ASP.NET technology to realize on Visual Studio.Net platform. Its main function has: manage users, new books on sale, look for classified books, search books, collect favorite book, process of purchase, sales list, the comment of the books, website's management, etc.
During the course of writing this article, I strive to integrate theory and practice. While expatiating the different kind of theories, I illuminate the application and operation skill combining the system so as to fully incarnate the application of these theories and techniques to this system.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 目录
摘要 I
在线点歌管理系统的设计与实现 I
第1章绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 设计内容 2
1.3 数据流分析 3
第2章开发环境 4
2.1 VISUAL STUDIO 2010 4
2.2 ASP.NET简介 4
2.3 ASP与ASP.NET比较 5
2.4 ACCESS数据库 6
2.5 C#语言 7
2.6 MINIUI介绍 8
2.7 运行环境要求 8
第3章系统设计 9
3.1 模块设计 9
3.2 数据库设计 10
第4章系统详细设计和功能描述 12
4.1游客角色 12
4.1.1音乐播放 14
4.2会员角色 15
4.2.1我的点歌 15
4.2.2我要留言 16
4.3 管理员角色 18
4.3.1管理员列表 18
4.3.2会员列表 22
4.3.3歌曲专辑 26
4.3.4歌曲列表 27
4.3.5留言列表 29
第5 章系统测试 31
5.1 测试概述 31
5.2 测试方法 33
第6 章总结与展望 34
6.1 总结 34
6.2 展望 34
系统设计体会 35
谢辞 36
参考文献 37