来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D10921 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D10921

基于ASP.NET的团购网站建设设计(SQL)(含录像)(毕业论文13500字,程序代码,SQLserver数据库,答辩PPT) 摘 要
With the rapid development of Internet technology, people's lives and the Internet are getting closer and become an important topic before the people, how to seize opportunities through the Internet. E-commerce represents the future direction of development of trade patterns, its application and promotion will bring great benefits to society and economy. Therefore, the development of a system of online shopping has become a priority.
This paper describes the set of ASP.NET-based online shopping system, detailing some of the ideas and methods of system analysis, system design and database design. The system by virtue of the Web server and the client's browser, the high efficiency of use of electronic tools, and low-cost trading platform, providing customers with business information published on the Internet, so that users can access the goods, search goods, ordering goods, providing customers with all-weather, better, faster business space.
In this thesis, a more complete system of initial design ideas, while the authors obtain a lot of practical experience.
Key words: second-hand school garden, e-commerce, online shopping, ASP.NET
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 目录
摘 要 II
第1章 绪论 4
1.1 开发背景以及课题意义 4
1.2 系统开发环境的选择 5
1.3 系统数据库环境的选择 5
1.4 本论文组织结构介绍 6
第2章 相关技术介绍 7
2.1 AJAX简介 7
2.2 .NET Framework与ASP.NET 8
2.3 SQL Server 数据库 10
第3章 系统分析 13
3.1概述 13
3.1.1系统分析的原则 13
3.1.2系统分析的方法 13
3.2系统需求分析 14
3.2.1系统开发的必要性 14
3.2.2目标及其内容 14
3.3 系统功能分析 14
3.3.1模块的划分 15
3.3.2模块功能描述 15
第4章 系统设计 17
4.1 总体结构设计 17
4.2 模块功能设计 17
4.3 数据库设计 18
第5章 系统实现 23
5.1在线编辑器实现 23
5.2 系统页面实现 26
5.2.1首页实现 26
5.2.2购物页面实现 27
5.2.3会员中心页面实现 28
5.2.4商品发布页面实现 28
5.2.5会员信息维护 29
第6章 系统测试 30
结 论 31
参考文献 33