摘 要
关键词 医药;管理;库存;数据库;Visual C#
In our country, along with medical and health system reform deepens, stock pharmaceuticals, as well as the implementation of standardized increasingly fierce business competition, more and more aware of the hospital management of public hospitals to improve the level of importance, but also an urgent need to speed up the process of management information .
In the hospital, the hospital's management Drug Storehouse and the corresponding financial processing, information processing, has long been used manually, but with the adjustment of industrial structure, new market competition environment, the management of public hospitals has become the operating efficiency of the key , Manually complete the shortcomings are exposed. This requires pharmaceutical inventory management in the past out of the cumbersome process of manual operation, all of the medical management of the Treasury to implement intelligent data management so that the medicine toward the scientific and standardized management direction.
With the popularity of computer technology in the hospital, the hospital gradually the use of computer technology to improve the medical management of the treasury and improve their own efficiency in order to win victory in the competition. Medicine and therefore the Treasury Management Information System has become the pharmaceutical enterprises to realize network-based medicine to the Treasury Management and Information of the must-have tool is the size of the hospital operation and management of one of the essential components. At the same time, software development environment and a high degree of integration has become more sophisticated database technology into the development of Chinese medicine to the Treasury Management Information System-based technology has greatly reduced the system's development costs. The intelligent system development tools, humane, making the system fully developed to meet the diverse needs of the hospital, the hospital from the various segments of people, materials, capital flow, information flow for a unified management system. Market demand and technical support, eventually leading to an increasing number of outstanding treasury management software, medicine, and the competition has been constant improvement and optimization.
Based on the current status quo of social and technological development advances in the application of our existing technology and the environment, the development of hospital medicine to the Treasury Management System will not only improve the economic efficiency of the hospital, and hospital information management as soon as possible to achieve the standardization and institutionalization, Scientific requirements and information technology to achieve hospital-wide paperless electronic film and the ultimate goal of management.
Key words Medicine Management Stock Database Visual C#
在医院药品库房(以后简称医药)管理系统是在今天医疗事业的迅猛发展的前提下,以前的手工录入或早期的医药管理应用软件以逐渐不能满足用户的要求,而在这些问题当中,落后的医药管理已严重的影响医院工作人员的工作效率, 基于以上的原因,从而提出了医药管理管理系统的设计目标。
1. 控制台包括三个模块:修改密码,重新登录,退出系统。
2. 入库管理包括四个模块:首次入库,追加入库,入库记录查询,入库统计。
3. 信息设置包括三个模块:药品信息管理,数据对照,药品调价。
4. 退货管理包括四个模块:药库退货,退货记录查询,退货药品查询,厂商黑名单。
5. 查询明细包括两个模块:药库明细管理,药品报警管理。
6. 药品调拨管理包括两个模块:药品调拨,药局需求查询。
7. 退库管理包括两个模块:门诊退库管理,住院部退货管理。

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1 课题的来源 1
1.1.2 当前研究现状 1
1.2 目的和意义 2
1.2.1 课题的目的 2
1.2.2 课题的意义 2
1.3 系统设计思想 3
1.3.1 系统的整体设计 3
1.3.2 系统的设计优点 4
第2章 可行性分析 5
2.1 业务流程图 5
2.1.1 本系统业务流程基本描述 5
2.1.2 本系统总体业务流程图 6
2.2 软件可行性分析 7
2.2.1 经济可行性 7
2.2.2 技术可行性 8
2.2.3 运行可行性 8
2.3 本章小结 9
第3章 需求分析 10
3.1 MIS系统的产生和发展情况 10
3.1.1 MIS系统的产生 10
3.1.2 MIS系统的发展情况 11
3.2 医院药品管理系统的需求分析 11
3.2.1 本系统数据流图 12
3.2.2 数据字典 14
3.3 本章小结 17
第4章 总体设计 18
4.1 系统模块总体设计 18
4.1.1 本系统总体功能模块设计 18
4.1.2 系统的主要功能模块描述 19
4.2 数据库设计 19
4.2.1 数据库设计概述 19
4.2.2 本系统数据分析 20
4.2.3 数据库的详细设计 20
4.2.4 数据库维护 21
4.3 本章小结 24
第5章 详细设计 25
5.1 系统运行平台设置 25
5.1.1 系统的硬件环境 25
5.1.2 系统的软件环境 25
5.2 开发工具简介 26
5.2.1 前台软件开发工具 26
5.2.2 后台数据库开发工具 26
5.2.3 相关开发技术简介 27
5.3 系统主界面设计 28
5.3.1 系统主界面设计 28
5.3.2 用户登录管理功能设计 29
5.4 入库管理模块功能设计 30
5.4.1 首次入库 31
5.4.2 追加入库 32
5.4.3 入库记录管理 33
5.4.4 入库统计 34
5.5 查询明细管理模块功能设计 35
5.5.1 药品明细查询管理 35
5.5.2 急缺药品信息管理 36
5.6 本章小结 37
第6章 系统测试与性能分析 38
6.1 软件测试 38
6.1.1 软件测试的原因 38
6.1.2 测试的基本概念 39
6.1.3 测试步骤 40
6.2 本系统测试 41
6.3 本章小结 41
第7章 系统主要功能使用说明 43
7.1 药品信息设置模块 43
7.2 入库管理信息模块 44
7.2.1 首次入库信息管理 44
7.2.2 追加入库药品信息管理 44
结论 46
致谢 47
参考文献 48
附录1 50
附录2 56 |