
摘 要:博客网站系统实现用户在线文章发表、浏览及评论,为用户提供了友好的个人信息共享和思想感情交流平台。它改变传统的文章发表方式,突破了传统出版物的枷锁,实现文章创作的网络化,使传统繁琐的文章发表简单化、大众化。本网站基于B/S模式,在Visual Studio 2005集成开发环境下采用asp.NET技术和C#语言,后台数据库使用SQL Server 2000,可满足用户个人信息和文章共享的需求,实现了用户之间简单的信息交流,提供用户注册、发表文章、管理文章、管理评论、发表评论、切换博客模板等功能。用户可以快速查询文章、高效执行管理操作,达到了预期效果。 关键词: 博客;asp.NET;SQL Server 2000;Visual Studio 2005 Abstract: The blog website realizes the functions of publishing articles, browsing articles and remarking articles online, offers a friendly terrace of the sharing of individual information and exchanging of people's thought and feeling. It changes the traditional way of publishing articles, breaks the chains of traditional publication, realizes the creation of articles online and makes the traditional and intricate publishing more simply and popularly. This website system is based on the mode of B/S in the environment of Visual Studio 2005 integration development kit. It is developed with the technology of asp.NET, C# programming language and SQL Server 2000. It can satisfy the requirement of individual information sharing and article information, make people to convert their thought and feelings reciprocally, and offer the following functions, i.e. register, publish articles and remarks, manage articles and remarks, change template of blog. The users in this system can search articles fleetly and manage efficiently. All of which achieve the anticipated effect. Keywords: Blog;asp.NET;SQL Server 2000;Visual Studio 2005 系统功能模块划分和参与者 |