摘 要 随着信息化建设的发展,城市旅游业与国际市场接轨已成为大势所趋,旅游业要迎接这场挑战,就必须提高整体竞争能力,变革城市旅游的宣传模式,提高管理水平。实施信息化建设无疑是实现这一目的的必由之路和明智之举。目前,我国城市旅游业信息化管理的进程缓慢,跟国外的城市相比管理依然落后。在激烈的旅游业竞争中,如何能把握机会,保持自己的优势,立于不败之地呢?这就需要提供最好的服务,提供最完善的设施和最先进的管理。在信息时代,更重要的是还必须要有一个完善的信息宣传系统,便于方便客人以及更好地宣传城市。特别是近年来计算机和网络技术和应用在我国突飞猛进的发展,越来越多的行业都涉足到这个新兴的领域,而城市宣传由于自身应该和游客及时快捷紧密联系的特点,更应该乘着这股春风打开城市管理新的一页,更为城市管理与国际接轨以及城市的长足发展打下良好的软件基础。天津旅游宣传网站,它可以借用计算机信息化的优势,方便快捷的实现游客和管理者的交户,方便管理者在第一时间了解游客的需求,及时做好应对措施,从而可以使旅游风景区在竞争日益激烈的城市服务行业中取得优势! 面对激烈的市场竞争和纷繁复杂的业务需求,现代旅游业的宣传必须通过城市网络宣传系统的帮助,来完成日常管理,特殊服务等各项业务。引入城市网络宣传系统,对旅游风景区的旅游业务进行科学化、现代化的宣传,是提高城市旅游形象、档次和服务水准的有力表现方式。为城市旅游强化内部管理、提高服务质量,减少工作中的差错,防止跑单漏单提供了可靠的技术手段和技术保障.(所有权: 毕业设计网 )
信息宣传无疑是城市旅游的最主要的信息传递途径,将成为宝贵的途径引起人们广泛的关注。如何向外界进行宣传信息呢?在信息高度发达的今天,城市业务涉及的各个工作环节已不再仅仅是传统的住宿,饮食业务,而是一个更为广泛的服务性行业.从客户的营销即客人的旅游登记直到最后的返程结帐,整个过程应该能够体现以旅客为中心,提供优质,方便的服务,给旅客一种至上的感觉,提高城市的宣传水平,在最短的时间内完成城市的形象树立,.城市旅游业的激烈竟争要争取客源,提高城市知名度。尤其是在数据保存,数据交换等方面快速可靠,如何把天津市旅游业从业人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来呢? 因此开发了天津旅游宣传网站,而该系统是运用SQL SERVER 2005数据库系统和Visual Studio.NET 2005程序语言开发实现的,《天津旅游宣传网站》包括了用户登录、系统管理、数据维护、前台操作等四大模块,具有操作简单、界面友善、灵活性好、系统安全性高、运行稳定等特点,是城市旅游管理者的理想选择。 科学技术日新月异的进步,让人类生活发生了巨大的变化,计算机网络技术的飞速发展,使各行各业在计算机网络技术应用方面得到了广泛的普及和使用。信息化时代的到来成为不可抗拒的潮流,人类文明正在进入一个崭新的时代。因此,天津旅游宣传网站也以方便、快捷、费用低的优点正慢慢地进入人们的生活,将传统的城市旅游宣传方式彻底的解脱出来,提高效率,减轻工人人员以往繁忙的工作,提高宣传效果,使工作人员可以花更多的时间在选择如何提高服务质量上。从而使旅游从业人员有更多时间来获取信息、了解信息、掌握信息. 根据天津市旅游业的实际情况和旅游业的常规运作方式,天津旅游宣传网站标准版包含前台,后台等系统,通过强大的网络环境支持,实现城市各旅游景点的全方位统一宣传,实时宣传详尽的城市旅游信息,提供准确的旅游分析,实现有效的效果控制。同时提供强大的接口功能,可灵活的配合当地的特殊环境要求,塑造城市旅游的个性化特色,最终使得城市达到宣传与利润的双重增益。 随着天津市旅游业规模的不断扩大,宣传这些庞大的体系信息非常困难的,因为旅游的人员情况是随时改变的,因此必需对城市旅游信息进行动态的实时宣传,而这对于一个宣传人员来说是一件比较复杂的事情,存储,查询,咨询业务都是宣传系统必不可少的工作内容。 为了能让宣传人员从繁重的工作中解脱出来,使宣传人员在使用一个系统以后能极其容易地对所有旅游资源进行宣传,并且准确无误,轻松自如。因此开发一个天津旅游宣传网站是当务之急,也是本论文选题的重要意义和研究宗旨。 由于时间仓促和本人水平有限,不当之处在所难免,请各位老师批评指正。(所有权: 毕业设计网 )
the sky spring ginshop management system
Abstract As the information of the development, hotel services and standards of the international market has become the trend of the times. The hotel industry to meet this challenge, we will have to improve overall competitiveness, reform the hotel management, enhance the management level. Implementation of information technology is to achieve this purpose and the only way to a wise move. At present, China's hotel services in the information management process has been slow, with foreign hotel management is still backward compared. The fierce competition in the hotel industry, how to seize the opportunity to maintain their advantage invincible? This makes it necessary to provide the best service to provide the best possible facilities and the most advanced technology. In the information age, is more important is also in need of a comprehensive management information system, Guests facilitate convenience and better management of the hotel. In particular, in recent years the computer in our rapid development, more and more industries are involved in this emerging field. and the hotel management because their customers should quickly and closely linked to the characteristics More should be riding this spring to open a new hotel management one. more hotel management with international practices and the rapid development of the hotel has laid a good foundation for software. The sky spring hotel management system, it can borrow the computer information superiority, convenient and quick realization of the customers and managers pay households, Managers at the first convenient time to understand the needs of customers in a timely manner of response measures, so that they could operate in an increasingly competitive hotel services industry to gain an edge!
Faced with the fierce market competition and the complex business needs, modern hotel industry must be managed through the hotel computer management system help to complete the day-to-day management, special services, and other business. Introduction of the hotel computer management system for day-to-day operations of the guesthouse for scientific and modern management. Hotels improve image quality and standard of service the powerful means of expression. Hotels to strengthen internal management, improve service quality and reduce errors in the work, prevent leakage single run only to provide a reliable technical means and technical support Information management of the hotel is undoubtedly the most important resources, it will become a valuable resource aroused widespread concern. How to provide access to information managers In highly developed today, the hotel business involved in every aspect of our work is no longer just the traditional accommodation, clearing business, but a more extensive service industries. from the customer marketing is registered guests stay until the final checkout billing, The whole process should be able to realize the guests of the center to provide fast, convenient service To the guests a feeling of supremacy, improve hotel management level, in the shortest period of time hotel business regulating the operation of gas. The hotel industry to the fierce contest for customers, raise the full rate hotels. To the manager to formulate the right marketing strategy for the reliable basis, especially in the preservation of data, data exchange, etc. rapid and reliable. How the sky spring hotel managers from their heavy work to extricate themselves?
Therefore, the development of the sky spring hotel management system, The system is to use SQL SERVER 2005 database system and Visual C #. NET procedure Development and implementation of the language. “the sky spring hotel management system"Including user login, system management, data maintenance, and operation of the futureOperation of the four modules Is a simple, friendly interface, good flexibility, the system safe and stable operation, and other features, the hotel manager is the ideal choice. Information of the arrival of the era become an irresistible trend and the civilization of mankind is entering a new era. Therefore, the sky spring hotel management system is also a convenient, fast, low-cost advantages are slowly entering the life of its people, traditional hotel management methods to extricate themselves thoroughly, improve efficiency, reduce workers the previous peak, reduce the probability of error, so that the staff can spend more time in choosing how to improve the quality of services. So that the management has more time to obtain information, the use of information, access to information
According to the sky spring hotel of the actual situation and the hotel conventional mode of operation, hotel management system standard version includes prospects background, etc., through the strong support of the network environment, the realization of various functional departments of the hotel's comprehensive unified management, Real-time access to detailed information hotel operators to provide an accurate analysis of the operation, effective cost control, completed deployment of personnel optimization. It also provides a powerful interface function can be flexible with the hotel special environmental requirements, create a personalized hotel characteristics, ultimately make the hotel management and profit reached double Gain.
With of the sky spring hotel business volume expansion, management of these huge system is very difficult. This is because hotel, the situation is always changing, it is necessary for hotel developments in the management, This for a management staff is a relatively complicated issue, storage, query, Aggregate performance as a manager provide a reliable basis for decision-making is essential to the business. In order to allow administrators from the laborious task of extricating themselves. enable administrators in the use of a software is very easy to be able to right all the rooms, guests management, and accuracy. English. Therefore the development of a the skey spring hotel management system software is a priority, as well as topics of this paper significance and research purposes. the sky spring hotel management system data maintenance the sky spring all part of the management system the most important part, data maintenance system will be similar customer management, link management Rooms, and data maintenance system for processing the data of many types, large quantities, fine and frequent, and thus need system should have a better defense testing the wrong function, The whole process to the customers feel the enjoyment of a warm, improve hotel management level, simplification of the complex operation, in the most reasonable within the shortest possible time to complete the hotel business standardizing operations, in order to enable customers to comfort, thereby increasing On Repeat Customers. According to the operating system and high-quality information feedback, efficient management system for the circulation of all functional departments. Because time is so short and I is limited, and inappropriate about inevitable, teachers criticized correction
Keyword:new ,search,delete,clear, Clearing 根据系统分析,天津旅游宣传网站的要求如下 : (1)需求分析: ① 能够处理旅游信息的日常数据、对新闻标题,内容的输入,修改,查找以及删除; ② 能够实现用户与网站的交流; ③ 能够进行用户间的互动交流; (2)系统性能要求: ① 系统安全、可靠; ② 功能齐全; ③ 操作方便、界面友好; ④ 易于维护和扩充。 (3)系统的功能分析: 密码设置:每个管理员均有自己的密码,可以防止非本系统管理员进入本系统; 信息维护:为了对每一则新闻信息进行管理。系统维护包括对各种表记录的修改、删除、添加,查找等操作。 系统查询:可以按关键字进行模糊查询
数据库需求分析 需求分析是在于要弄清用户对开发的数据库应用系统的确切要求。Visual SQL SERVER 2005 数据库设计的第一步是明确数据库的目的和如何使用。也就是说需要从数据库中得到哪些信息。明确目的之后,就可以确定您需要保存哪些主题的信息(表),以及每个主题需要保存哪些信息(表中字段)。是进行系统功能划分和系统设计最重要的一个环节,根据系统数据流程图,可以得到两个数据库表:管理员信息表(allusers)、新闻信息表(allgonggao),以下为系统所需的数据项和数据结构的使用情况: (1) 管理员信息:调用管理员信息表,生成系统编号,用户名,密码,权限等。 (2) 新闻信息:调用新闻信息表,生成包括系统编号,标题,内容,添加时间,类别。

目 录
摘 要 II Abstract IV 第一章 绪 言 3 1.1研究课题的背景 3 1.2天津旅游宣传网站的目的和意义 3 第二章 系统设计方案的研究 4 2.1系统开发的初步调查 4 2.2系统可行性研究分析 4 第三章 天津旅游宣传网站的概要设计 7 3.1原型法 7 3.2系统管理数据流图 8 第四章 数据库设计和结构创建 9 4.1数据库设计过程 9 4.1.1数据库需求分析 9 4.1.2数据库概念结构设计E-R图 10 4.1.3数据库逻辑结构设计 11 4.2 数据库结构的创建 11 4.3 数据字典 14 第五章 天津旅游宣传网站的实现 15 5.1模块化的开发环境的简介 15 (所有权: 毕业设计网 ) 5.1.1 Visual Studio.NET 2005的特点 15 5.1.2本程序中使用的Visual Studio.NET 2005 性能特点 15 5.1.3系统数据访问接口的选择 16 5.2数据库的连接 16 5.3 功能的实现 17 5.3.1.系统首页: 17 5.4系统后台操作 20 5.4.1 系统后台登陆界面 20 5.4.2系统后台主操作界面 21 第六章 系统测试 24 6.1测试方案 24 6.2测试项目 24 第七章 总结 25 致 谢 26 参考文献 27 |