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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21001 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21001
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摘  要
关键词:Web3.0  用户行为分析  对策 问卷调查
Analysis of User Behavior of Web3.0 Website
    With the rapid development of the Internet,people get more honor,identity in the creative labor,including wealth and status. It is because more and more people to participate in the creation of value of labor,so "redistribution" Internet value will be an inevitable trend,therefore inevitably rush into a new generation of Internet,this is Web3.0,Web3.0 will be the Internet completely changed people's life style.
    This paper is mainly to the students and computer workers as the object of study. First on the Web3.0 Website user behavior to carry out questionnaire survey,the data, analyze the data. Secondly,on the Web3.0 Website background,current situation made a rough paper,focus on meaning,research and Analysis on the Web3.0 Website user behavior is introduced in this paper,analysis of the existing Web3.0 site development process problems,and puts forward the countermeasures and solution in view of the existing problems in the development process of Web3.0 Website. Finally,through the analysis on the Website of a Web3.0 case,and points out the future development trend of Web3.0 Website.
Key Words: Web3.0 ;User behavior analysis ;Countermeasure ;Questionnaire


目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  引言    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2研究内容与方法    1
1.2.1研究内容    1
1.2.2 研究方法    2
第二章  文献综述    4
2.1 Web3.0的内涵    4
2.2 Web3.0研究现状    4
2.2.1国际Web3.0研究现状    5
2.2.2国内Web3.0研究现状    5
2.3网站用户行为分析    6
2.3.1网站用户行为分析理论    6
2.3.2网站用户行为分析方法    7
2.4本章小结    8
第三章  Web3.0网站用户行为调查与分析    9
3.1问卷调查与分析    9
3.1.1问卷调查的目的和设计    9
3.1.2问卷调查的发放和回收    9
3.1.3问卷数据统计    10
3.1.4问卷调查结果分析    12
3.2 Web3.0网站发展存在的问题    15
第四章  Web3.0网站发展的对策    17
4.1改善Web3.0网站质量    17
4.1.1提高信息质量    17
4.1.2改善网站服务质量    17
4.2降低用户风险,提高用户信任度    18
第五章  案例分析    19
5.1网站简介    19
5.2 Web3.0网站在发展之初面临的问题    21
5.3 雅蛙网的发展现状    23
5.4 案例小结    25
结  语    26
参考文献    27
附录一    29
附录二    32
致  谢    33
