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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21003 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21003
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摘 要
关键词:社区网站  互惠行为  用户满意度
The analysis of reciprocal behavior in the community site
    Nowadays, society is a fast pace of development into a landmark of the information.No matter from social aspects or point of view, Building community web site can be more close to the people and all social activities.Through the services provided by the community site can make all kinds of detailed information and services and community property management organically.Real service will be taken to more communities accurately, quickly and conveniently, and at the same time the community site also get the considerable profit though servicing users. Yet the reciprocal behaviors between community site and customers has not been a specific concepts and research methods. Under the motivation, the paper focuses on community site reciprocal behavior analysis of the investigation.
     Based on the existing related literature for references, after analyzing the status  of the community website at home and abroad, the hypotheses were raised in the possible factors of today's community site reciprocal action. Then we designed and distributed questionnaires, Through publicizing effective propaganda, we recycled all 93 questionnaires. After analyzing the collected data and the hypotheses, we can safely draw a conclusion and find out the reciprocal behaviors in the community site.
     Finally,I could try my best to find out the disadvantages of Chinese community site and the wishes of customers in the prospective and then give my recommendations on the future development of community site
Keywords: Community site; Reciprocal behavior; Customer satisfactory


目 录
摘要    I
目录    III
第一章  引言    1
1.1研究的目的和意义    1
1.2 研究内容和研究方法    2
1.2.1 研究的内容和需解决的问题    2
1.2.2 研究采用的方法手段    2
1.3 研究的对象及思路    2
第二章 文献综述    4
2.1 社区网站的概念和意义    4
2.2  社区网站的国内外研究现状    4
2.2.1 国内的社区网站研究现状    4
2.2.2 国外的社区网站研究现状    6
2.3 社区网站的发展趋势    7
2.4 SNS社区网站的功能分析    8
2.5 互惠行为    9
2.5.1 互惠行为的定义    9
2.5.2 互惠行为的分类    9
第三章 社区网站互惠行为的分析    10
3.1 社区网站的基本特征    10
3.1.1 虚拟性    10
3.1.2 互动平等性    10
3.1.3 交往广泛深入    11
3.1.4 人际关系松散,群体流动频繁    11
3.2 人人网的成功之道    11
3.2.1 何为人人网    11
3.2.2 人人网面向用户的盈利模式    12
3.3 网站与用户之间的互惠行为假设    17
3.3.1 网站从用户盈利的假设因素    17
3.3.2 用户从网站获利的假设因素    18
3.4 统计调查研究    18
3.4.1 问卷设计方法    18
3.4.2 统计分析方法    20
第四章 问卷设计与数据收集    22
4.1 问卷的设计    22
4.2 问卷的数据采集    22
4.2.1 基本信息    22
4.2.2 假设论证    25
4.2.3 用户需求    31
4.2.4 用户满意度    33
第五章 结论及未来展望    35
5.1 研究与结论    35
5.1.1 网站从用户中获利的因素    35
5.1.2 用户从网站中获利的因素    37
5.2 不足与建议    37
5.2.1 国内社区网站存在的不足    37
5.2.2 设计运营建议    38
5.3 研究局限与未来研究设想    40
5.3.1 研究局限    40
5.3.2 未来研究设想    41
参考文献    42
附录    44
致谢    48
