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An improved algorithm of Hanoi problem based on the combinatorial mathematics
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the Tower of Hanoi problem, for example, through the Tower of Hanoi problem analysis, to take a combination of mathematics recursive reasoning, explore its recurrence series method, the number of dishes on Mobile parity of each column of the law, and the use of computer JAVA Simplification of language problems, after the improved algorithm is very simple, for the purposes of combinatorial mathematics also has a very important significance.
Key words:Improved algorithm; Combinatorial mathematics; Towers of Hanoi problem

目 录
摘要    1
1引言    3
2汉诺塔问题分析    3
2.1 问题来源    3
2.2 分析问题    3
3递归法在汉诺塔问题中的应用    4
3.1递归算法的特点    4
3.2递归算法的要求    4
3.3汉诺塔问题的递推关系    4
4计算机化简汉诺塔问题    6
4.1基于JAVA的解决方案    6
4.2结合组合数学化简问题    8
4.3化简后JAVA的实现    9
5总结    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
