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摘  要

    关键词:EPON  OLT  BRAS设备  1:1保护
The implementation of security protection of EPON network
    The main research topics is implementation of security protection of EPON network.
EPON is the Ethernet passive optical network, the main equipment is the OLT(optical line terminal).EPON technology based on FTT (fiber to the) x solution has multy service access ability. With the EPON network gradually extended, the networking requirements in terms of safety are more and more improvement.
The protection mechanism of EPON network consists of OLT uplink protection and OLT downside protection. OLT upstream protection mainly use the link aggregation technology, BRAS equipment cold backup:  the terminal equipment are connected through two different links,separate the two originally  link bundling, when a link break, business automatic transmission in another link; and also two uplink link can share the flow, increasing the export bandwidth; the configuration of BRAS devices. OLT downside protection mainly use 1:1 protection technology:optical splitter to increase the link to OLT downlink dual route protection by a 2:N splitter or two 1:N objective.
 Through the implementation of OLT uplink and downlink protection, the network security is greatly increased .From now,the fault in cutover or single link will not affect the business, but it increases the uplink bandwidth.
Key Words:EPON;OLT;BRAS equipment;1:1 protection


摘要    Ⅰ
第一章  绪论    3
1.1课题背景    3
1.2研究目的与意义    3
1.3 本课题的研究工作    3
第二章 EPON原理和应用    4
2.1 PON的原理    4
    2.1.1 PON无源光网络的定义    5
    2.1.2 PON的组网结构    6
    2.1.3 PON基本技术原理    7
2.2 PON网络的应用    7
2.2.1 PON网络的优势    8
2.2.2 EPON的特点    8
第三章 EPON网络安全保护措施    8
    3.1 OLT的上行保护    9
3.1.1 链路聚合技术    9
    3.2 OLT的下行保护    10
3.2.1 PON口的保护方式    11
    3.3 BRAS设备的配置    12
3.3.1 BRAS设备背景    13
3.3.2 方案想法    14
3.3.3 技术实现    15
第四章 OLT上行安全质量提升专题    16
    4.1 EPON技术概论    17
    4.2 EPON网络概况    18
    4.3 整改目标与改造方案    19
        4.3.1 单上联口连接BRAS单端口    20
        4.3.2 OLT与BRAS同机房    22
4.3.3 OLT与BRAS异机房    23
    4.4 整改状况与结论    25
第五章 课题的实现    26
5.1 前期准备工作    27
    5.1.1 OLT上行保护测试    27
    5.1.2 PON1:1保护测试    28
5.2 整改措施    28
5.3 整改成果    28
第六章 总结与展望    29
参考文献    30
致谢    30
