来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D10925 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D10925

基于PHP九州灯城(灯具商城)的设计与开发(MySQL)(含录像)(毕业论文11800字,程序代码,MySQL数据库) 摘 要
Design and Development of Products Quotation System Based on PHP
With the development of Internet technology, the production and marketing chain is more and more integrated into the e-commerce element. The consumer can establishment direct-viewing relation with the different type products which come from all over the world through the network , and complete the purchase flow through convenient and the fast operation. In order to be advantageous for the user in the product which surely counts through to the different manufacturers, different habitat parameter and product price, performance is carrying on the comparison , looks for the product quickly which are needed, reduces the purchase time as far as possible, and builds a high effective platform between the manufacturer and the consumer, This paper takes advantage of simple and high effective technology of PHP language and MySQL database , profites the most classical technical thought and the development pattern from open source community, design and develope this system. This system has mainly realized product search, user commentary, on-line purchase backstage module and so on and onstage module and product management, user management, order form management and so on.Through the science comprehensive test, the system has realized the main function of product quoted price and the shopping on-line so on. As the important supplement for existing E-commerce and the shopping on-line pattern, the product quoted price system will certainly display its prominent superiority in the actual application.
Key words: Kyushu city lights;Shopping online;E-commerce; PHP; MySQL; Open source community
![]() ![]() ![]() 目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 系统的开发背景 1
1.1.1 在线购物的发展 1
1.1.2 商城的现状 1
1.2 系统实现的目标 1
1.3 系统开发的意义 1
2 商城分析 2
2.1 网站的设计目标 2
2.2 网站的可行性分析 2
2.2.1 用户群体与市场分析 2
2.2.2 技术能力分析 2
2.2.3 可行性分析总结 2
2.3 网站设计的特点 3
3 系统的开发技术及主要构架 3
3.1 开发技术的选择 3
3.1.1 PHP编程技术 3
3.1.2 MySQL开源数据库的开发 3
3.2 系统的主要架构及开发模式 4
3.2.1 基于B/S的体系结构 4
3.2.2 OOP(面向对象编程)在PHP中的运用 4
4 系统的功能和流程分析 4
4.1 平台功能模块的设计分析 4
4.2 系统流程分析 5
4.2.1 前台购物流程 5
4.2.2 注册登录功能流程 6
4.2.3 商品搜索流程 6
4.2.4 留言评论流程 7
4.2.5 商品管理流程 7
4.2.6 订单处理流程 7
5 系统功能的具体实现 7
5.1 系统数据库的设计 7
5.2 功能总体说明 9
5.2.1 系统流程图 9
5.2.2 目录结构说明 10
5.3 各功能模块的实现 11
5.3.1 数据库的连接 11
5.3.2 用户注册模块 12
5.3.3 用户登录模块的实现 13
5.3.4 商品搜索模块的实现 14
5.3.5 购物车模块的实现 14
5.3.6 商品管理模块的实现 15
5.3.7 订单与评论管理 17
6 系统测试及难点分析 17
6.1 系统运行环境的搭建 17
6.2 系统程序的安装 18
6.3 系统的测试 18
6.3.1 系统关键部分测试分析 18
6.3.2 测试结果分析与说明 19
6.3.3 系统安全与性能分析 19
6.4 系统中存在的问题及解决方法 19
结 论 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 21 |