摘 要 随着互联网的普及,建设校园网站已成为一种时尚 。这种积极的发展态势,必将推动校园信息化的进程,为教育现代化的实现,起到了积极的作用,应该加以鼓励和推广。 互联网的功能是多方面的,发展空间也是非常广阔的。自然,我们的校园网也应该具备这样的特点。但现实却不是这样,我们借助先进的通讯媒体建立的传媒基地,到底想要让它发挥什么作用?目前好像尚不清楚。 在这个问题上,时下最缺少的是权威部门的指导性意见。克服校园网站功能的简单化,最大限度的发挥它的作用,是很值得探讨的。 就目前各校的网站看,基本上可以说,都是在互联网上办了一个“展览板”。打开各校网站,基本上都是对自己学校的宣传窗口。通过互联网,提高自己学校的知名度,是广大策划者的共识。不难看出,现阶段各校对校园网的利用只局限在宣传这一主题上,宣传成了校园网建立的宗旨。如此简单地开发、利用网络技术,与网络本身所具有的丰富、快捷等特点相比,显得我们搞教育的人,实在落后网络时代很多,当引起教育自身的重视。对于那些尚未接触网络的学校,则可以视为时代的悲哀。 首先,它要成为学生学习的新课堂。这里有两层含义:一是课内的学习,可以借助网络的协助和延伸提高学习效果;二是在这里开设第二课堂,丰富学生的学习途径和内容,实现课内课外学习的协调统一。 其次,要通过论坛、信箱,甚至开设聊天室的形式,成为学生交流的窗口。传统意义上人与人之间的交流,必须要满足统一时空的条件。随着科学技术的发展,人与人的交流已发展到网络这一领域。现代教育非常重视通过交流来获取信息。为学生之间交流提供条件,是一项不可忽视的工作。这其中最理想的、最先进的交流条件就是网络。学生可以在交流的过程中学习知识、增长才干、促进了解、建立友谊、形成是非观念、宣泄心理压抑、调节神经系统的紧张状态等等。网上交流所具备的某些优点,是现实中交流无法比拟的。特别对于经常处于弱势地位的学生来讲,实现在网上交流,很容易让他们体会到处于平等地位的快乐。但是,我们也必须认识到,学生实现网上交流,还有很长的路要走,这条路上也布满了层层障碍。这些障碍,有网络本身存在的不足,也有长者对学生的全盘的限制。正因为这些因素的存在,校园网的建立,也许是学生实现网上更为广阔、更为自由、更为主动交流的最佳途径。 再次,它要成为学生个性发挥的广场。诚然,个性教育是东方教育落后西方教育的主要一个方面。分析原因无非是,我们的学生始终生活在整齐的要求中,无微不至的呵护中,千人一面的环境中,缺少变化的过程中。而学生接触了网络,就好比让学生走出狭小的空间,来到宽阔的广场,就可以放飞心中的追求,张扬自己的个性。 还要成为学生参与社会实践活动的载体。比如,学生可以利用校园网站和自己的信箱,征集一些社会问题的看法和答案,然后加强整理,得出结论。 网络还可以成为学生之间合作的纽带;观察社会的平台;学校教育和家庭教育的桥梁;学生才华的展室。
Design and development of campus websites Abstract With the popularization of Internet, building campus websites has already become a kind of fashion. Such positive developing state, will promote the process of the informationization of the campus, it is the realization of the educational modernization, play a positive role , should encourage and popularize . Functions in Internet are in many aspects, the development space is very wide too. Naturally, our campus network should possess such a characteristic too. But reality is not so , the media base which we set up through the advanced communication media , what function really want to let it give play to? It seems to be so obvious at present. On this problem, it is the guidance suggestion of an authoritative department that lack most at present. Overcome the simplification of website's function in the campus, give play to the role of it maximumly, very worth probing into. Analyse on website of every school at present, can say , have run an " exhibition board " on Internet basically. Open websites of every school, it is to the propaganda window of one's own school basically. Through Internet , improve the popularity of one's own school, it is the masses of sponsors common understanding. Ugly to publish, check campus network with is it propagate this theme to confine to only each the present stage, have propagated into a aim set up in campus network. Develop, utilize the network technology briefly like this, compare with characteristic such as being abundant , swift that has of one of the network, seem we make person that educate , backward cybertimes a lot of really , it causes educating one's own attention to act as. Have not contacted the school of the network to those yet, can be regarded as the grief of the times. Secondly, even open the form of the chatroom , become the window where students exchanged through the forum , mailbox . The interpersonal exchange, must meet the condition of unified space-time in the traditional meaning. With the development of science and technology, the exchanges of people and people have already developed into this field of the network. Modern education pays much attention to obtaining information through exchanging. It is a job that can't be ignored to offer the condition for exchanging between students. The most ideal , most advanced exchange condition is a network among them. Students can study knowledge during the process of exchanging , increase ability , is it understand , establish friendship , it forms to be idea , lead off psychology constrain , regulate tense situation of nervous system ,etc. to promote. Some advantages that online communication possesses, exchange the incomparable one in the reality. Especially explain students often in the weak tendency position , realize it in online communication, it is very apt to let them realize that is in happiness of equal status. However, we must realize , students realize online communication, there are very long waysing will go , has been covered with one storey of obstacles too on this road. These obstacles, the deficiency that there is network itself to exist, there is elder's restriction totally to students too. Just because the existence of these factors, the setting-up of campus network, perhaps it is that on net for being wide, for freedom , the best way in order to exchange voluntarily that students realize. Moreover, it should become student's square where individual characters give play to. True, the individual character is educated to educate a main respect which the west educates backwardly easternly. It is analysed that the reason is only , our students live in the neat demand all the time, in kind care , in the environments of a thousand people and one side , lack it in course changed. And students have contacted the network, for example let students go out of the narrow and small space, come to the wide square , can let the pursuit in the heart fly away , publicize one's own individual character . Become the carrier that students participated in the social work activity. For example, students can utilize campus websites and one's own mailbox , collect the view and answer of some social concerns, then strengthen and put in order, draw the conclusion. The network can also become the tie of cooperation between students ; Observe the platform of the society; Bridge of educating in the school and home education; Exhibition room of student's talent.
网站需求分析 首先,它要成为学生学习的新课堂。这里有两层含义:一是课内的学习,可以借助网络的协助和延伸提高学习效果;二是在这里开设第二课堂,丰富学生的学习途径和内容,实现课内课外学习的协调统一。 其次,要通过论坛、信箱,甚至开设聊天室的形式,成为学生交流的窗口。传统意义上人与人之间的交流,必须要满足统一时空的条件。随着科学技术的发展,人与人的交流已发展到网络这一领域。现代教育非常重视通过交流来获取信息。为学生之间交流提供条件,是一项不可忽视的工作。这其中最理想的、最先进的交流条件就是网络。学生可以在交流的过程中学习知识、增长才干、促进了解、建立友谊、形成是非观念、宣泄心理压抑、调节神经系统的紧张状态等等。网上交流所具备的某些优点,是现实中交流无法比拟的。特别对于经常处于弱势地位的学生来讲,实现在网上交流,很容易让他们体会到处于平等地位的快乐。但是,我们也必须认识到,学生实现网上交流,还有很长的路要走,这条路上也布满了层层障碍。这些障碍,有网络本身存在的不足,也有长者对学生的全盘的限制。正因为这些因素的存在,校园网的建立,也许是学生实现网上更为广阔、更为自由、更为主动交流的最佳途径。 再次,它要成为学生个性发挥的广场。诚然,个性教育是东方教育落后西方教育的主要一个方面。分析原因无非是,我们的学生始终生活在整齐的要求中,无微不至的呵护中,千人一面的环境中,缺少变化的过程中。而学生接触了网络,就好比让学生走出狭小的空间,来到宽阔的广场,就可以放飞心中的追求,张扬自己的个性。 还要成为学生参与社会实践活动的载体。比如,学生可以利用校园网站和自己的信箱,征集一些社会问题的看法和答案,然后加强整理,得出结论。 网络还可以成为学生之间合作的纽带;观察社会的平台;学校教育和家庭教育的桥梁;学生才华的展室。
论文的研究内容 本文主要研究如何实现门户网站的实现。包括前台和后台程序,前台主要是美工工作,如何实现网站的布局和使网站更加的美观和更简洁的使用,本文重点也会介绍这个方面的内容。后台方面会介绍服务器的各个服务是如何实现的并会把每一个步骤会介绍出来。服务之间的协作与优化也是本文介绍的重点。
本文所做工作 本文主要研究如何实现门户网站的实现。包括前台和后台程序,前台主要是美工工作,如何实现网站的布局和使网站更加的美观和更简洁的使用,本文重点也会介绍这个方面的内容。后台方面会介绍服务器的各个服务是如何实现的并会把每一个步骤会介绍出来。服务之间的协作与优化也是本文介绍的重点

目 录 任 务 书.. I 摘 要.. II Abstract IV 第1章 绪 论..1 1.1 课题背景.1 1.2 论文的研究内容.1 1.3 系统调查分析与可行性研究.1 1.3.1 系统开发的初步调查1 1.3.2 系统可行性研究分析2 1.4 本文所做工作2 第2章 网站总体分析3 2.1 网站需求分析.3 2.2 工作背景.3 2.3 网站的发展现状.4 2.4 网站流程分析5 2.4.1 一般用户流程6 2.4.2 系统管理员业务流程7 2.5 网站数据流程分析8 2.5.1 网站数据流程顶层图8 2.5.2 网站数据流程一层图8 2.6 数据字典9 2.7 论坛系统的业务流程图分析14 第3章 系统设计16 3.1 技术概述16 3.1.1 开发语言的选择16 3.1.2 数据库的介绍16 3.2 输入输出17 3.3 系统配置.18 3.4 网站的数据库设计18 3.4.1 概念设计.18 3.4.2 逻辑设计19 3.4.3 物理设计20 第4章 系统实现22 4.1 后台程序的实现22 4.1.1 MYSQL的安装22 4.1.2 Apache的安装..24 4.1.3 HPH的安装26 4.1.4 程序安装完成..27 4.1.5 测试Apache和PHP系统..28 4.2 前台界面及色彩的构成 28 4.2.1 色彩的构成.28 4.2.2 页面的实现.28 4.3 界面效果图.. 31 第5章 网站的测试 ..33 5.1 软件测试的目的.33 5.2 测试方法和步骤.33 5.3 错误处理测试..33 5.4 系统调试.34 5.5 具体解决方案..34 总 结..35 参考文献..36 致 谢..37