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Design a simple and portable weather instrument which based on Internet of things
Abstract: The Internet is an important part of the new generation of information technology, and it's an important stage in the development of "information" age. Using local network , Internet and other communication technologies to make the sensors, controllers, machines, people and other objects together through a new way .thus forming people and things,objects and objects associated with each other,and then realizing information,remote management and intelligent network.    
Meteorological information is closely related to people’s life,It is very important for human to get meteorological information through various of equipment.Combing the meteorological information with network, which greatly facilitate people to obtain weather information.
This article describes a simple and portable weather instrument based on the internet of things technology,using sensors and micro controller collect weather information, and using the network sensor send data to the server which based on UDP,then upload these data to server’s database. And build a system which base on B/S framework. Users can use browser to access the system,manage equipment and query information.
Key word:Internet of Things;Weather Information;Embedded;WEB;UDP


目 录
1.绪论    3
1.1 设计目的和意义    3
1.2 气象仪器发展简介    3
1.3 本文结构与内容分布    4
2. 设计需求分析    4
2.1 概述    4
2.2 系统框图    4
2.3 需求分析    5
3. 气象仪设计    6
3.1 设计方案    6
3.2 核心模块介绍    6
3.2.1 STM32F103RCT6芯片    6
3.2.2 温湿度传感器    7
3.2.3 气压传感器    7
3.2.4 WIFI模块    8
3.3 设计内容    8
3.3.1 网络连接    8
3.3.2 传感器采集信息    9
3.3.3 发送信息    9
3.4 系统测试    10
4. 信息采集系统设计    10
4.1设计方案    11
4.2 相关技术介绍    11
4.2.1 TCP协议与UDP协议    11
4.2.2 DBCP数据连接池    11
4.2.3 多线程    11
4.3 设计内容    12
4.3.1 流程图    12
4.3.2 功能实现    12
4.4 系统调试    13
5. 气象仪管理系统设计    14
5.1 设计方案    14
5.2 核心技术介绍    15
5.2.1 SSM框架    15
5.2.2 MySQL数据库    15
5.2.3 Tomcat服务器    15
5.3 设计内容    16
5.3.1 流程图    16
5.3.2 系统数据库设计    16
5.3.3 功能实现    19
5.4 核心代码示例    23
6. 总结    24
参考文献:    25
致谢    26
