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摘  要
随着汽车工业的发展和人们生活水平的提高,有车一族在不断增加,越来越多的人对车内的音响系统提出了更高的要求。汽车音响娱乐系统是集视听娱乐、通讯导航、辅助驾驶多种功能于一身的综合性车载娱乐多媒体系统。本文汽车音响系统是以单片机M30624MHP芯片为该系统的控制核心,通过控制系统时序及其他模块的工作状态来保证系统正常工作,能够实现调频,调幅, SEEK UP/DOWN,搜索停台,音量调整,显示频点和音量,最终实现收音和LCD显示功能。本课题的汽车音响主要面向亚洲地区。


Design of the Car Audio Entertainment System basing on M30624MHP chip
With the development of automobile industry and the improvement of level of people’s lives. The number of people owning autos is rapidly increasing. Car radio system is an automotive entertainment multimedia system with integrating a variety of support functions as audio-visual entertainment, communication and navigation and auxiliary driving. SCM M30624MHP chip plays as the controlling core in this car audio system to control system’ timing and other modules’ work state to ensure system work normal. Seeking UP and DOWN, stopping search, adjusting volume, displaying frequency and volume are achieved in this system, and last it achieves radio functions and LCD displaying Function. Car radio system this study is faced to Asia.
First of all, the current research and development direction of the domestic car audio system are summarized and the research background and significance of the subject are introduced. Secondly, the system's overall design scheme and the design principles are given through instructing the car stereo system functions, SCM, sending and receiving equipments and LCD displaying technology. Therefore, it selects devices of controlling module, receiving module, conditioning module, power module, keys module and other devices in accordance with the design principles , makes the detailed design for hardware circuits of the car sound system, and introduces wiring on the PCB board, the principle of components layout , the testing method of various modules after the hardware is Welded. Final, this kind of car radio system is realized completely and achieves searching station and displaying very well.

Key words: car radio system, M30624MHP chip, LCD displaying, hardware circuits

第2章 汽车音响系统总体设计及工作原理
2.1 汽车音响系统功能介绍及参数
2.1.1 系统功能介绍
能够实现调频及调幅收音功能,能够SEEK UP/DOWN,搜索停台,音量调整,能够显示频点和音量。
2.1.2 系统参数
(3)Speaker 负载:4Ω×4路
(4)频点范围及步进:FM:87.5MHz--108.0MHz  Step 50KHz
AM:531KHz--1602KHz  Step 9KHz


目  录
任务书    I
摘  要    II
第1章 绪  论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.1.1 汽车音响的特点及历史    1
1.1.2 汽车音响的应用现状及发展方向    1
1.2 课题来源与研究意义    2
1.3 本文所做的工作    2
第2章 汽车音响系统总体设计及工作原理    4
2.1 汽车音响系统功能介绍及参数    4
2.1.1 系统功能介绍    4
2.1.2 系统参数    4
2.2 汽车音响系统技术基础    4
2.2.1 系统构成    4
2.2.2 系统工作流程    6
2.3 单片机基础    6
2.3.1 单片机发展过程    6
2.3.2 单片机发展趋势    7
2.3.3 单片机的应用    8
第3章 系统硬件构成    10
3.1 汽车音响的硬件结构    10
3.1.1 汽车音响硬件构成框图    10
3.1.2汽车音响的LAY-OUT图    11
3.2 M30624MHP概述    12
3.3 M30624MHP内部框图简介    12
3.4  CPU外围电路的连接    14
3.4.1 I2C 总线    16
3.4.2 CPU的电源与地    18
3.4.3晶  振    18
3.4.4复  位    19
3.4.5不同状态下对引脚的处理    22
3.4.6 ACC-DET ,BATT-DET时序    24
3.4.7 对 HA13165控制    25
3.5 其他功能模块    26
3.5.1 电源模块    26
3.5.2接收模块    29
3.5.3 调节及放大模块    31
3.5.4按键及显示驱动模块    36
第4章 结  论    39
参考文献    40
致  谢    41
