摘 要
【关键词】 河南移动 软交换 端局网络 扩容
At present, almost all of the operators are using is one of the traditional soft exchange to lose light propagation to realize network and enhance the spread of communication technology, this is due to the traditional soft exchange in the early stages of the construction, will be able to meet the basic needs of operators and users. But with the rapid development of Internet technology, as well as the needs of users increasingly tend to be diversified, the traditional soft exchange disadvantage also gradually revealed. In traditional softswitch network, ring network structure can better play to the optical network transmission of protection, but it caused the original ring network structure of the transmission system is idle, to a certain extent caused the waste of resources. At the same time, customer demand for the development of diversified needs more reliable secure network transmission system, the development of the next generation of network transmission technology has become possible, and softswitch technology although the is not mature, but the soft exchange technology for the development of optical network technology provides a possible, and rely on the new network to input current related equipment price is considerable, and the use of soft switching technology to optimize the traditional means of softswitch is reasonable, so in the future developing trend of visible, the development of soft switching technology is still can be trusted. So this article \"henan mobile softswitch end bureau expansion solution design and analysis\" for the selected topic has distinctive realistic meaning and value.
Softswitch is to realize the traditional SPC exchange \"call control function entity, but the traditional\" call control function is and business together, and different business needs different call control function, and soft switching is nothing to do with the business, this requires a soft exchange provides the call control function is the basic call control various business.
In this paper, starting from the background of softswitch technology development, defining the relevant principle and concept of soft switching technology, secondly introduced the soft exchange features and key technology research and lay a solid theoretical foundation to the research of this article, again, is based on analysis of henan mobile softswitch end bureau expansion related practical problems and measures are put forward, in order to can give the soft exchange technology in henan mobile soft exchange terminal expansion of application design with more reasonable guidance measures.
【Key words】 Henan mobile Soft switching End office network Expansion

目 录
任务书 I
摘 要 III
前 言 1
第一章 软交换技术系统概述 2
第一节 软交换技术概念界定 2
第二节 软交换设备基本原理 3
第三节 软交换系统的体系结构 3
第四节 软交换相关接口 5
(一)Ne接口 5
(二)Mc接口 6
(三)Nb接口 6
(四)MAP协议接口 6
(五)CAP协议接口 6
(六)A接口 6
(七)ISUP协议接口 6
第五节 软交换相关标准和协议 7
第二章 河南移动端局网络组织现状及扩容必要性 8
第一节 河南移动端局网络组织现状 8
第二节 扩容设计与分析的必要性 10
第三章 软交换端局总体设计 11
第一节 设计总体指导思想 11
第二节 软交换端局规模设计 11
(一)软交换端局业务展望 11
(二)全省客户普及率定性定性影响因素分析 14
(三) 河南移动市场发展目标预测 15
第三节 端局软交换设计基础数据的取定 15
(一)单机话务量分析 15
(二)交换机利用率分析 16
(三)返乡系数 16
(四)全省扩容规模 16
第四章 软交换端局分析 18
第一节 每个呼叫的带宽需求 18
第二节 河南移动软交换端局的带宽规划与设计 19
(一) 软交换BHCA值的计算软交换话务量的设计 19
(二) 河南移动软交换端局局间中继带宽的设计 19
(三)河南移动软交换端局IP端口需求 20
第五章 软交换端局设置方案 21
第一节 话务网组网方案 21
第二节 信令网网络组织 22
第三节 计费方案 24
第四节 网管连接 25
第五节 与短信系统的连接 25
第六节 与短信系统的连接 26
第七节 时间同步 26
结 论 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29