With the fast advance of computer technology, target detection and tracking technology has been greatly improved. It has become an important part of intelligent monitoring, intelligent transportation and other fields. This technology is very important for traffic safety and pedestrian safety, especially for pedestrian detection and tracking. In the cities where we live, the traffic environment is relatively complex.
Firstly, this paper studies the detection of moving objects. When the background is static, the main methods are background subtraction, three frame difference and optical flow. Then, the characteristics and shortcomings of each method are analyzed. At that time, this part is one of the core parts of this paper. An improved gray projection algorithm is proposed, which can estimate the parameters of moving background such as translation and scaling, and accurately detect moving target in dynamic background, followed by human object recognition. When it is completing moving target detection, the width-height ratio, circumference, rectangularity and other graphical features are adopted. Feature recognition of human-shaped objects in moving targets. Finally, we propose algorithms to track shifting based on motion tracking target for several properties and fusion to wait. The Kalman, which can track multiple targets quickly and efficiently. It is also the core part of this paper. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can detect and track moving objects accurately and real-time in both static and dynamic environments.
Key words: detection, tracking, dynamic background, pedestrian monitoring

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2关键技术发展现状 1
1.2.1目标检测技术的发展现状 1
1.2.2目标跟踪技术的发展现状 2
1.2.3行人检测与跟踪技术的发展现状 3
1.3论文的章节安排 4
1.4本章小结 4
第2章 目标检测研究 6
2.1基本检测方法 6
2.1.1背景减除法 6
2.1.2帧差法 6
2.1.3光流法 6
2.2动态背景下运动目标检测 7
2.2.1背景运动补偿 7
2.2.2改进的三帧差分法 8
2.3实验结果分析 9
2.4本章小结 10
第3章人形目标识别 11
3.1人形目标特征选择 11
3.2人形目标特征提取 12
3.2.1确定目标边界 12
3.2.2提取目标的周长 12
3.2.3计算目标的长宽比 13
3.2.4计算目标的矩形度 13
3.3运动行人识别算法 13
3.4本章小结 14
第4章目标跟踪研究 15
4.1基于多特征与Kalman滤波结合的Meanshift算法 15
4.1.1Meanshift算法的基本原理 15
4.1.2多特征提取 15
4.1.3Meanshift跟踪算法 17
4.1.4 Kalman滤波 18
4.1.5多特征与Kalman滤波结合的Meanshift算法 19
4.2实验结果分析 21
4.3本章小结 22
第5章总结与展望 23
5.1总结 23
5.2展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25