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随着频谱资源日趋紧张,人们越来越意识到频谱分配与使用之间的矛盾。认知无线电(Cognitive Radio, CR)的出现将为频谱资源僵乏的问题提供有效的解决手段。认知无线电技术作为一种革命性的智能频谱共享技术,己成为无线通信领域新的研究热点。
Research on Cooperative Spectrum Sensing of
Cognitive Radio
As radio resource is becoming increasingly scarce, more and more people realize the contradiction between the allocation and the usage of the spectrum. The appearance of Cognitive Radio (CR) will provide effective solution to the problem of spectrum shortage. CR as a revolutionary intelligence technology is becoming a hot research topic in wireless communication field.
The paper studies cooperative spectrum sensing from different aspects. Firstly, the basic principles of cooperative spectrum detection, classification, and the main measure are described. Secondly, cooperative spectrum technology is focused on the design of judgment and decision-making rules. Finally, according to the parameter optimization problem of the number and sensing time of cooperative users in cooperative spectrum sensing system, the system utility function is established based on the system resource utilization efficiency and normalized throughput. In different conditions of detection probability and false alarm probability, the optimal problem of system utility function is solved by analyzing the change of the number and sensing time of cooperative users. A fast way to find the optimal value is proposed that makes the cooperative spectrum sensing system get the best performance.
Key words: cognitive radio; cooperative spectrum sensing; false alarm probability; detection probability
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 5
1.1研究背景及意义 5
1.2认知无线电概述 6
1.3频谱感知技术 8
1.4 主要研究内容和章节安排 11
第二章 协作频谱感知技术 13
2.1协作频谱感知技术 13
2.2协作频谱感知性能衡量指标 15
2.3判决融合与决策规则 16
2.4协作频谱感知技术存在的问题 18
2.5本章小结 19
第三章 协作频谱感知技术的优化 20
3.1系统模型 20
3.2用户数量和感知时长参数的优化 23
3.3仿真及结果 25
3.4本章小结 26
第四章 结语 28
参考文献 29
致 谢 31
附录 32 |