针对NAO机器人的手臂控制,本文通过MATLAB的robotic toolbox工具箱实现了对机器人手臂的三个主要自由度进行D-H运动学建模,通过对目标小球相对机器人的三维空间坐标求取运动学逆解来控制机器人手臂移动到目标小球处,再通过设置关节角度使末端执行器的手爪闭合来实现小球的抓取操作,仿真结果表明,该方法有效的完成了对机器人手臂的控制。
As a high-level platform which has been favored by major research institutions in recent years, robot has covered many disciplines of computer technology, artificial intelligence, control technology and bionics, which embodies a country's high-tech level and modernization. The rapid development and maturity of the robot is a direct promotion of the industrial automation process. The visual system is an important information channel for robot to perceive the external environment. The robot control system with multi-degree of freedom robot is an important component of humanoid robot, and it is also the execution structure of robot operation. Through the integration of visual systems and control systems composed of visual servo, robot intelligent and real-time interaction with the external environment is now an important hotspot of robot technology content.
Based on the NAO robot platform, this paper completes the identification and the crawling of the specified colored ball. First, the NAO robot's visual system is used to identify the target of the specified color from the surrounding environment and obtain the relevant pose information of the target. After the target recognition, the robot automatically tracks the target, controls the distance between the person and the ball in the appropriate size in order to crawling more convenient. Finally at the appropriate distance, according the position information to control the robot specific arm to grab the specific color ball.
For the target ball recognition module, its core is image processing. In this paper, firstly, according to the image acquired by the NAO robot camera, the image is first divided according to the target color, and then the divided image is filtered and de-noised. The other external disturbance is affected by the identification of the target ball.The separated image is detected by the Hough circle transformation to identify the target color of the ball, getting the target color ball information afterimagerecovery. Through the processing of the image, the distance of the robot relative to the target is acquired, and the tracking operation or the crawling operation is performed according to the distance selection.
The kinematic inverse solution is obtained by the three-dimensional spatial coordinates of the target ball relative to the robot, and then control robot arm moves to the target ball. Setting the joint angle so that the end of the handle of the claws closed to achieve the crawling operation of the ball. The simulation results show that the method can effectively control the robot arm.
Keywords: NAO robot; Target Recognition; Kinematics; Hough circle transformation;

1.1 研究背景及意义
1.3 NAO机器人介绍
1.3.1 NAO机器人硬件系统
1.3.2 NAO机器人软件配置
1.4 本文研究内容与组织结构
2.1 NAO视觉系统
2.3 图像预处理
2.3.1 图像分割
2.4 霍夫圆变换
2.5 目标定位
2.6 本章小结
3.1 NAO机械臂
3.3 逆向运动学求解
3.4 运动学仿真
3.6 实验结果与分析
3.7 本章小结