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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26941 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26941
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Design of loop antenna with unidirectional radiation
Abstract: In the rapid development of modern wireless communication technology, the antenna unidirectional radiation mode and miniaturization has always been a very important topic. Ring antenna has a simple structure, light weight, small size, low cost and many other advantages. In this paper, a rectangular loop antenna with unidirectional radiation with additional parasitic loops is proposed to achieve unidirectional radiation, medium gain, and input impedance. The antenna consists of two gaps in the rectangular ring, and in the maximum radiation direction added: 1) parasitic zone, 2) parasitic ring. The simulation results show that the design of the proposed method is validated by using the simulation software HFSS to obtain the reflection coefficient, 3D gain and gain pattern of the antenna. The simulation results show that the effective frequency range of the antenna is 2.15Ghz to 3.4Ghz, the effective frequency width is 45.5%, the gain coefficient is greater than 4.99dBi, the ratio is greater than 10dB, the voltage standing wave ratio is less than or equal to 2, the antenna polarization is elliptical And achieves a stable unidirectional radiation pattern for E-plane and H-plane graphs.
Key words:Loop antenna; unidirectional radiation patterns; Broadband


目 录
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3研究内容与方法    2
第二章 环形天线的基本理论    3
2.1环形天线的概念    3
2.2天线的性能参数    3
2.2.1方向图    3
2.2.2方向性系数    3
2.2.3效率    4
2.2.4增益系数    4
2.2.5输入阻抗与电压驻波比    4
2.2.6频带宽度    5
2.2.7天线的极化    5
第三章 单向辐射的环形天线的设计与分析    6
3.1天线的基本结构    6
3.2仿真流程的简介    6
3.3天线的仿真结果及其分析    7
3.3.1天线的反射系数图与电压驻波比图及分析    7
3.3.2天线的E-平面和H-平面的方向图及分析    8
3.3.3天线的3D增益图及分析    10
3.3.4天线的输入阻抗图与分析    10
3.4本章小结    11
第四章 单向辐射的环形天线的改进    12
4.1天线的基本结构与尺寸    12
4.2仿真流程的简介    13
4.3天线的仿真结果及分析    13
4.3.1天线的反射系数图与电压驻波比图及分析    13
4.3.2天线的输入阻抗图及结果分析    16
4.3.3天线方向图及结果分析    17
4.4本章小结    19
第五章 全文总结    20
参考文献    21
致谢    22
