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Image classification based on SVM
Abstract:Along with the changes of The Times and the progress of science and technology, artificial intelligence and multimedia information technology with the development of science and technology also updates faster and faster, people can through the use of the smartphone is very easy and convenient to get want to image information from the Internet. In the information age, the number of digital images on the Internet has increased tremendously. In the academic world, how to efficiently and efficiently deal with a large number of image information becomes a hot and urgent problem.
This design by image classification as the research object, using the gradient direction histogram and gray level co-occurrence matrix feature for feature extraction method, based on support vector machine (SVM) algorithm in the machine learning algorithms, classifying the image recognition, and according to the design of image classification program design graphical user interface.
Key words:Artificial intelligence;Image classification;Machine learning;Support vector machine;
1绪论 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 论文的主要研究工作 2
2 图像特征与机器学习算法 2
2.1 颜色特征 3
2.1.1 RGB 3
2.1.2 HSV 3
2.2 形状特征 3
2.3 纹理特征 4
2.4 机器学习算法 4
2.4.1机器学习概念 4
2.4.2 机器学习算法SVM 4
3 基于SVM的图像分类 6
3.1 传统图像分类 6
3.2 基于机器学习的图像分类 7
3.3 基于SVM与HOG对图像进行分类 7
3.3.1 方向梯度直方图介绍 7
3.3.2 HOG特征提取 8
3.3.3 SVM结合HOG对图像进行简单分类 9
4 SVM结合多特征对图像进行分类 11
4.1 基于灰度共生矩阵的纹理特征提取 12
4.2 SVM结合HOG特征与GLCM特征对图像进行分类 14
5 GUI设计 16
5.1 GUI界面整体框架 16
5.2 GUI界面程序实现 16
6 总结与展望 19
6.1 本文的工作总结 19
6.2 未来的展望 19
参考文献 21
致谢 22