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摘要:在现代通信中,扩频通信起着重要作用,特别是在军事和民用等通信技术中。 扩频通信技术是指在通信系统的发送端使用扩频功能,以将要发送的信息扩展为宽带信号,然后将其发送到信道进行发送,在接收端,使用解扩展技术对应于发送端。恢复原始信息,实现信息技术的安全可靠传输,直接序列扩频技术和跳频扩频技术是在实际应用中广泛使用的两种扩频技术。本文基于扩频通信理论的基础上,对扩频通信的模型,及伪随机序列的理论做出了重点介绍。并在simulink系统中对扩频通信系统中的各个模块进行了模块的搭建以及其仿真研究,对得出结果做出了解释及比较。本文重点对直接序列扩展频谱通信系统和CDMA系统进行了仿真。
Spread spectrum communication system based on simulink
Abstract:In modern communications, spread spectrum communications play an important role, especially in communications technologies such as military and civilian. Spread spectrum communication technology refers to the use of a spread spectrum function at the transmitting end of a communication system to spread the information to be transmitted into a wideband signal, and then transmit it to a channel for transmission. At the receiving end, a despreading technique is used corresponding to the transmitting end. The original information is restored, and the secure and reliable transmission of information technology is realized. The direct sequence spread spectrum technology and the frequency hopping spread spectrum technology are two kinds of spread spectrum technologies widely used in practical applications. Based on the theory of spread spectrum communication, this paper focuses on the model of spread spectrum communication and the theory of pseudo-random sequence. In the simulink system, the module construction and simulation research of each module in the spread spectrum communication system are carried out, and the results are explained and compared. This paper focuses on the simulation of direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems and CDMA systems.
Key words: spread spectrum communication, communication system, pseudo-random sequence, direct sequence spread spectrum, simulink simulatio
目 录
一 绪论 6
1.1研究背景和意义 6
1.2扩频通信发展现状及趋势 6
二 扩频通信技术 7
2.1 扩频通信的理论基础 7
2.1.1香农信道公式 7
2.1.2最佳相关接收 8
2.1.3 扩频通信理论模型 8
2.2 扩频通信的分类 9
2.2.1直接序列扩展频谱通信 9
2.2.2频率跳变扩展频谱通信 9
三 伪随机序列 10
3.1 伪随机序列原理 10
3.2伪随机序列的产生 11
3.3伪随机序列的分类 11
3.3.1 m序列 11
3.3.2 M序列 12
3.3.3 Gold序列 13
四 扩频通信系统模块simulink仿真 14
4.1 信道编码 14
4.1.1信道编码简介 14
4.1.2信道编码实例 15
4.2 扩频调制仿真 16
4.2.1扩频调制原理简介 16
4.2.2扩频调制模块仿真实例 17
4.3载波调制仿真 18
4.3.1扩频载波调制原理简介 18
4.3.2载波调制模块仿真实例 19
4.4 通信信道模块设计及仿真 21
4.4.1信道概念简介 21
4.4.2通信信道模块仿真实例 21
4.5 干扰抑制模块设计及仿真 23
4.5.1窄带干扰抑制技术简介 23
4.5.2干扰抑制模块仿真实例 24
4.6 PN码同步模块设计及仿真 25
4.6.1PN码同步简介 25
4.6.2PN码同步模块仿真实例 25
4.7载波同步模块设计及仿真 28
4.7.1 载波同步简介 28
4.7.2载波同步模块仿真实例 28
4.8LDPC信道译码模块设计及仿真 31
4.8.1信道译码简介 31
4.8.2信道译码实例 31
五 扩频通信的应用——CDMA 33
5.1 CDMA简介 33
5.2基于MATLAB的CDMA仿真 33
参考文献 39
致谢 40