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Because of the high sensitivity of coherent system and long transmission distance, the system has excellent performance and the capacity of communication channel is large. The advantages of the electronic communication can be realized by the equalization technology in electronics. However, the key technology in coherent communication is still the key technology in the receiver of coherent communication system, which is also the most critical part of coherent communication.
This paper starts from three kinds of external optical modulation and demodulation technologies, such as 2ASK, 2FSK and 2PSK. The purpose is to deeply study the key algorithms in coherent optical receiver. The demodulation principle of the three keying modes in the receiver is analyzed, and the process of modulation and demodulation is designed in detail. The corresponding code is written in the m file in MATLAB, and the system involved is simulated. Through simulation, the waveform of the time domain and frequency domain of each link in the three modulation and demodulation processes is analyzed, and the performance parameters of the designed system are obtained.
The simulation results show that the three modulation and demodulation systems of 2ASK, 2FSK and 2PSK can finally restore the baseband signal, but the baseband signal of 2FSK has a slight distortion. It may cause the delay when the signal passes through the low pass filter, and the corresponding delay module can be solved by adding the corresponding delay module at the demodulation output.
Key Words:coherent communication; PSK; external optical modulation; coherent detection; MATLAB

摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 3
第1章 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 相干光通信系统的研究进展和现状 5
1.2.1 相干光通信系统研究现状 5
1.2.2 相干光通信系统中的关键技术 6
1.3 本文主要研究内容 7
第2章 相干光通信系统的结构和原理及相干检测机理 9
2.1 相干光通信系统简介 9
2.1.1 相干光通信系统结构组成 9
2.1.2 相干通信原理 9
2.2 相干光接收机的构成及工作原理 10
2.3 相干检测原理 12
2.4 误码率和信噪比 13
2.5 本章小结 13
第3章 相干光通信系统中外光调制解调技术原理及MATLAB仿真 15
3.1 外光调制技术原理 15
3.1.1 2ASK的基本原理和调制解调过程 16
3.1.2 2FSK的基本原理与调制解调过程 17
3.1.3 2PSK的基本原理和调制解调过程 19
3.2 几种外光调制技术的MATLAB仿真 21
3.2.1 基于MATLAB的2ASK解调关键算法与仿真 21
3.2.2 基于MATLAB的2FSK解调关键算法与仿真 22
3.2.3 基于MATLAB的2PSK解调关键算法与仿真 28
3.2.4 三种调制方式间ASK、FSK、PSK间误码率比较 29
3.3 本章总结 30
第4章 总结与展望 31
4.1 总结 31
4.2 展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34