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摘 要:光通信以史无前例的速度发展,然而光传输的控制远远不如电子信号控制,发展先进的光通信器件对光通信的发展有着重要的意义。本文从研究了一种新型负折射材料原理、特性,探讨了光传感器的特性,从而研究了利用负折射材料来研制新型光传感器的理论。通过传输矩阵的研究,我们获得一种具有特殊性能的光传感器。
关键词:负折射;光子晶体;传感器; 滤波器
Research on Optical Propagation Characteristic of a New Negative Refractive Material Sensor
Abstract: In recent years, the area of telecommunication had a rapid development .However, the control optical propagation was not a patch on electric operation .The development of optical communication device has great significance for the development of optical communication. In this paper , begin with researching the theory and the characteristic of new negative refractive material ,discussed characteristic of optical sensor .Therefore ,researched the theory on using negative refractive material to invent new optical sensor . From the research of transmission matrix ,we invented a new optional sensor .
Key words: Photonic Crystal; Sensor; Filter; Negative Refractive Phenomenon
为了满足爆炸性增长的带宽需求,作为通信主要传输手段的光通信已逐步迈入超高速时代。随着高输出功率窄谱宽光源、高速光调制技术、宽带光放大技术以及高比特率的密集波分复用(DWDM)、光时分复用(DTDM)、光孤子传输等技术的发展和成熟,光通信正向着超高速率(超大容量)、超长距离以及全光网化的方向发展。目前,采用DWDM 技术是电信业扩容的最主要方法,雨稳定的可调谐光滤波器是DWDM 系统中的关键器件之一。伴随着DWDM 技术的飞速发展,光滤波器的技术也在不断发展,日趋完善。
