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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21256 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21256
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With the continuous improvement of industrialization level, the new intelligent instrument in the industrial production process, the accurate detection and processing of data has become crucial. The operation of the production process and the safety of the equipment are extremely important, so how to achieve accurate detection? As we all know, there is a very important parameter in the industrial production process - pressure, obviously this parameter is an indispensable condition. Therefore, the study of intelligent pressure changer system has an extraordinary significance for industrial production.
According to this paper, AT89C51 microcontroller is adopted as the core of the design,and data acquisition and detection processing are performed on the basis of this. Specifically, the pressure signal and the voltage signal are first converted by means of a strain gauge pressure sensor, and after the two signals are converted according to the target, the voltage can be amplified by the amplification circuit. At this time, in order to display the required data on the microcontroller digital tube, an external converter, an A/D converter, is needed, which converts the voltage signal into a digital signal that the microcontroller can process. Finally, the D/A converter module can be used for conversion to achieve a standard industrial current output of 4-20 mA.
The design result is simulated by Proteus, and the written program is downloaded into the simulation software. Different data is displayed through debugging. When the input pressure signal changes, the corresponding voltage signal will also change, and finally realize 0-30kg correspondingly. 4-20mA current output.
Key Words:Pressure Transmitters; AT89C51; A/D converter; D/A converter;


目 录
第1章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究目的及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状分析    1
1.3 压力变送器设计的研究内容    2
第2章压力变送器的总体设计方案    3
2.1 压力变送器设计的主要内容    3
2.2 压力变送器的设计原理    3
第3章压力变送器的硬件电路设计    5
3.1 压力传感器    5
3.1.1 压力传感器的选择    5
3.1.2 电阻式应变传感器的工作原理    5
3.2 电阻应变传感器测量电路    7
3.3 信号放大电路    8
3.3.1 运算放大器的选择    8
3.3.2 三运放差分放大电路    9
3.4 单片机最小系统模块    10
3.5 A/D转换模块与单片机连接    11
3.6 数据显示模块    13
3.6.1 LED数码管的基本介绍    13
3.6.2 LED数码管的驱动方式    14
3.6.3 LED数码管的静态显示电路    14
3.7 D/A转换模块与单片机连接    15
3.8 4-20mA标准电流输出模块    16
第4章压力变送器的软件设计    18
4.1 压力变送器总体设计流程图    18
4.2 A/D模数转换器的软件设计    18
4.3 单片机LED显示的软件设计    19
4.4 D/A数模转换器的软件设计    19
第5章网口传送数据模块    20
5.1 网络接口芯片的选择    20
5.2 网络接口芯片W5500的工作原理    20
5.3 W5500与单片机连接原理图    22
第6章总体电路仿真测试    24
6.1 应变电桥传感器信号放大仿真结果    24
6.2 4-20mA电流输出仿真结果    25
总结与展望    27
参考文献    28
致谢    29
附录A    30
