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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21283 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21283
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In modern society, the transmission of information plays an extremely important role. With the continuous development of science and technology, human life has long been unable to leave the communication. Since its birth, the radio has always been an important tool for information transmission. With the continuous development of science and technology and the popularity of information technology, the radio gradually to the digital integration.
The design of the main research based on single-chip digital tuning radio design. The design can achieve the range of 87.5MHz ~ 108MHz between the manual or automatic FM and radio storage. The system mainly consists of power supply module, control module, display module, FM module and power amplifier module. The system to 52 single-chip as the core, through the software control TEA5767 FM chip and LCD1602 display, to achieve FM radio and display frequency, and use the amplifier to listen.
Key Words: radio;digital FM;single chip;TEA5767

基于51单片机的数字FM调频收音机的设计(附接线图,主程序代码) 基于51单片机的数字FM调频收音机的设计(附接线图,主程序代码)

目  录
第1章 绪论    1
第2章 工作原理    3
2.1 收音机的基本工作原理    3
2.2 数字调频收音机的工作原理    4
2.3 系统方案论证    4
2.3.1 控制模块    4
2.3.2 调频模块    5
2.3.3 显示模块    5
2.3.4 功放模块    5
第3章 硬件电路设计    6
3.1 控制模块设计原理与过程    6
3.2 调频模块设计原理与过程    7
3.3 显示模块设计原理与过程    11
3.4 功放模块的设计原理与过程    12
第4章 软件设计    13
4.1 软件设计思路    13
4.2 调频控制模块代码设计    14
4.2.1 手动搜台    15
4.2.2 自动搜台    15
4.2.3 频率与PLL值之间的换算    17
4.3 I2C总线通信协议模块    18
4.4 显示模块控制代码设计    19
第5章 系统调试    19
5.1 硬件的安装与调试    20
5.2 软件调试    20
5.3 出现问题与解决方案    20
5.4 系统调试总结    21
第6章 总结    23
参考文献    24
附录A    25
附录B    30
附录C    31
致谢    32
