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关键词:磁场测量 磁阻 单片机 LCD 显示阵列 KEIL
Design of Magnetic Measuring System based on MCU
Magnetic field has been explored by human for thousands of years. The ancient instruments of measuring magnetic field are just direction pointers with the help of magnetic force like compasses. And then, people were able to measure magnetic field strength by means of precisely measuring magnetic force. Till the 21st century, people began to measure magnetic field with electronic instruments. While GPS systems are more and more popular, compasses are becoming much preciser and more portable.
The design is ment to sense the direction and strength of magnetic field, and then compute with mathematic tools in the real time. The target physical item is similar to a kind of a simple and portable compass. It is designed to measure magnetic field in the space coordinate, which is computed in the real time.
The design is divided into three parts: data collecting, data computing and outputs. Data collecting has its main module marked HMC5883L, which putouts digital information of magnetic data. Data computing has its main traditional MCU marked 89C52. Terminal information is output by the screen LCD1602 and the LED array. The screen tells us the magnetic strength and the angle, while the LED array shows the south direction.
The MCU programs are compiled in the software platform called Keil., through the traditional C language. All the programs are based on the rules of 51-MCU series.
Key words: magnetic field measuring; magnetoresistive; MCU; LED array; LCD; KEIL
2.1 地磁场简介
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景及其意义 1
1.2 论文所做的工作 1
第二章 磁场测量技术及方案 3
2.1 地磁场简介 3
2.2 系统设计的内容和要求 4
2.3设计方案和硬件的选择 4
2.3.1. MCU模块 4
2.3.2 数据采集模块 5
2.3.3 控制显示 6
第三章 硬件系统设计 8
3.1硬件系统框图 8
3.2 单片机最小系统 8
3.3 数据采集模块 9
3.3.1 模块单元电路 9
3.3.2 寄存器的读写 11
3.3.3 数据处理模块硬件连接 14
3.5 数据显示模块 14
3.5.1 LCD1602液晶显示 14
3.5.2 LED显示阵列 17
3.6 总体硬件电路 18
第四章 软件程序设计 19
4.1 程序总体流程 19
4.2 数据采集与处理 19
4.3 LCD1602显示输出 21
4.4 LED阵列指示 22
第五章 系统实现及总结 24
结束语 25
参考文献 26
致谢 27
附录 28