关键词:步进电机 驱动电路 单片机 仿真控制系统
Design of stepping motor control system based on single chip microcomputer
Stepping motor is a kind of by electric pulse signal to control actuator, because it is easy to control, small size and other characteristics, so in the CNC system, automatic production lines, automatic instrument, drawing machine and printer has a widely application. The popularization and application of microelectronic technology and rapid development of micro computer, and gradually into the application field of the motor, which makes before hardware circuit controller of large and complex can now be used software to achieve. This not only reduces the cost of hardware, but also improves the flexibility, reliability and functionality of the control. Because of the stepper motor with instantaneous start, rapid stop, high accuracy, and with the composition of the open loop system is simple, cheap, and very practical. Therefore, the design of based on single-chip stepper motor control system has great value and broad application.
This paper mainly studies the design of the stepper motor system based on single chip microcomputer. The content of the subject includes the principle of step motor and single chip microcomputer, the stepper motor drive circuit is analyzed, and the system hardware circuit and program are designed and tested. The design of stepping motor control system adopts the method of software and hardware co simulation, which can effectively reduce the time and cost of the system development. Using Protues simulation software to complete the motor positive inversion, deceleration and stop start and other basic functions, using single chip microcomputer, stepping motor drive chip, character type LCD and keyboard array element module, the design of the controller and the driver for one step into the simulation of motor control system, realizes the function of the stepper motor range setting, position control and real-time display of a step into the working state of the motor. The hardware of the system consists of control circuit, display circuit, alarm feedback circuit and drive circuit, the corresponding software program is designed according to the hardware circuit, and the debugging and analysis are carried out. The design system has the characteristics of clear thinking, high reliability, strong stability and so on.
Keywords: stepping motor ;drive circuit;single chip microcomputer;simulation and control system

第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2课题的目的和意义 1
1.3课题的内容 2
第二章 步进电机的结构与特点 3
2.1步进电机的构造 3
2.2步进电机的工作原理 4
2.3步进电机的主要特征 5
2.4步进电机绕组的电气特性 7
2.5步进电机的选型 8
第三章 设计原理分析 9
3.1设计目的 9
3.2设计要求 9
3.3总体设计方框图 9
3.4设计方案论证 10
3.4.1系统控制方案 10
3.4.2驱动模块方案选择 12
3.4.3最终方案确定 14
第四章 步进电机控制系统硬件设计 15
4.1单片机最小系统 15
4.2 控制电路 17
4.3 驱动电路 19
4.4 显示电路 20
4.5 位移越界报警电路 21
4.6 状态指示灯显示电路 21
第五章 步进电机控制系统软件设计 23
5.1主程序设计 23
5.2 LCD显示程序设计 24
5.3转速控制程序设计 26
5.4程序设计 27
5.5角度设定程序设计 28
5.6位移设定程序设计 29
第六章 仿真结果与分析 33
6.1整体硬件设计图 33
6.2测试 33
6.3误差分析 39
第七章 总结 40
参考文献 41
致 谢 43
附录 44