来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D26973 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26973
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关键词:单片机 矩阵键盘 C语言
The calculator based on Microcontroller
The calculatoris toward intelligent,high precision,small size direction,sothe use of MCUdesign of multi-functioncalculatoris ageneralizationof the.This design is of the calculator system to AT89S52 SCM as the core, non-coding 4*4 matrix keyboard as input, to add, subtract, multiply and divide 4 digit operation and displayed on the LCD1602 screen. Through the ON\/OF switching power supply control part to enter the calculation model.
This paper introduces the design of hardware and software design of MCU calculator includes, hardware part is divided into single chip microcomputer module, keyboard module, display module and power supply module; the software part of the main program module, the keyboard scan module and display module, the software part adopts C programming language. Finally introduces the debugging and analysis of the whole design results
Key Words: MCU matrix keyboard C language function

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1计算器简介 1
1.2本文研究内容 2
第二章 系统原理分析与设计方案 3
2.1方案构思 3
2.2 设计方案 4
第三章 系统硬件设计 5
3.1 单片机模块 5
3.1.1 单片机AT89S52原理 5
3.1.2 复位电路 7
3.1.3 振荡电路 8
3.2 液晶显示屏模块 9
3.2.1 LCD1602液晶显示屏 9
3.2.2 引脚及指令介绍 10
3.3 键盘电路的设计 11
3.4电源电路的设计 12
第四章 系统软件设计 13
4.1 计算器的软件主程序设计 13
4.2 程序扫描的程序设计 14
4.3显示模块的程序设计 16
第五章 系统调试与结果分析 20
5.1 计算器的主要功能实现 20
5.2 调试结果分析 22
结束语 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
附录 26