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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27043 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27043
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摘 要
关键词:单片机  霍尔传感器  里程/速度  LCD显示

Bicycle mileage rate table design
With the continuous improvement of people's life quality requirements, the bike is no longer the ordinary transport, in energy conservation and environmental protection at the same time, people want to get exercise and happiness by bike.Bicycle mileage rate table is designed according to the need of people everyday ride a bike, by bicycle mileage speed table, people can know the current driving distance, speed and time.This paper detailed describes the process of bicycle mileage rate table.Hardware part is mainly composed of STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as control core, through the integrated A44E hall sensor receives the pulse signal, and then by the single chip microcomputer processing to obtain the required range, speed and time value, finally through LCD1602 real-time display.The software part is mainly composed of C language, the process has the modularity.In a word, this bicycle mileage rate system hardware circuit layout is simple, program is easy to use the versatility, has a good expansibility and practicability.
Keywords: microcontroller; Hall sensor; mileage / speed; LCD display


目  录   
摘 要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景和研究意义    1
1.2 课题现状及发展    2
1.3 主要任务及内容    3
1.4 设计要求    3
第二章 自行车里程速度表硬件电路设计    4
2.1 系统设计思路    4
2.2 系统的总结构框图    5
2.3 主要单元电路设计    5
2.3.1 单片机最小系统    5
2.3.2 电源电路的设计    7
2.3.3 功能选择电路的设计    7
2.3.4 时钟芯片电路的设计    8
2.3.5 报警电路的设计    8
2.3.6 显示模块的电路设计    9
2.3.7 速度检测模块的电路设计    11
2.3.8 整体硬件电路    12
第三章 自行车里程速度表系统的软件设计    14
3.1 主程序设计    14
3.2 显示子程序设计    15
3.3 速度处理子程序设计    15
3.4 时钟模块子程序设计    16
3.5 按键模块子程序设计    17
第四章 自行车里程速度表系统的仿真    19
4.1 仿真环境介绍    19
4.2 电路仿真过程    19
第五章 自行车里程速度表硬件调试    22
5.1 调试过程    22
5.2 调试结果    22
5.2.2切换至日历显示界面    23
5.2.3切换至超速报警和总路程界面    23
5.2.4开始测速    24
5.2.5停止测速    24
结  语    26
参考文献    27
致  谢    29
附录:程序源代码    30
