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摘  要

Design of intelligent window control system
 Science and technology in the rapid development, rapid changes in society, smart windows become one of the topics and research in recent years one of the most sought-after Chinese, the main contents of this design is to introduce an intelligent window control system. In this design eventually chosen as the main chip MCU. Hardware by STC89C52 chip as the hub of the entire system, and then the alarm module design on the drawing software, sensor signal detection module, a display module, a drive module. Alarm module is when someone enters the room from the window, the buzzer will sound an alarm. Sensor signal detection module is the sensor detects light intensity, temperature and humidity signal through ADC0832 analog to digital conversion, the signal is sent to the microcontroller loss analysis and processing, which in turn drives the rotation of the stepping motor, the smart window control system simulation . Liquid crystal display module displays the information displayed above, this will be very intuitive. Software written in C, and porteus simulation. Finally complete the welding and commissioning work.
/Key words: STC89C52;Alarm;1602 LCD;intelligent


摘  要    I
第一章 引言........ ........1
1.1智能窗户控制系统的背景及现状    1
1.2研究智能窗户控制系统的目的与意义    1
1.3本课题要研究和要解决的问题    2
1.4研究思路和技术方法    2
第二章 智能窗户控制系统方案论证    2
2.1系统总体方案的设计    2
2.2 系统器件的选择    3
2.2.1主控模块的选择    3
2.2.2电源模块的选择    3
2.2.3 显示模块的选择    4
第三章 硬件电路设计    5
3.1单片机最小系统设计    5
3.1.1 单片机简介    5
3.1.2复位电路    6
3.1.3时钟电路    6
3.1.4 P0口的上拉电阻    6
3.2 电源电路模块设计    7
3.3传感器数据采集模块设计    7
3.3.1温湿度探测电路模块    7
3.3.2光强与烟雾检测电路模块    8
3.3.3红外检测防盗电路模块    10
3.4显示电路设计    11
3.5 步进电机驱动模块设计    12
3.6蜂鸣器报警模块    13
3.7整体电路图    14
第四章 软件设计    15
4.1 主程序设计    15
4.2显示子程序流程图    16
4.3驱动子程序流程图    17
4.4软件仿真    19
4.4软件设计小结    21
第五章 系统调试    22
5.1调试过程    22
5.2调试过程所遇的问题及解决方法    22
5.3 调试结果    23
第六章 论文总结    25
参考文献    26
附录 系统程序    26
致谢    31
