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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27061 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27061
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摘要 :本次设计的一种智能酒精浓度测量系统能够对过度饮酒进行警报,提醒人们适量饮酒,注意健康,同时也能对酒后驾车起报警作用,提醒饮酒人员禁止驾车。为了实现这一功能,采用了STC89C52单片机来开发设计智能酒精测量系统,通过采用酒精传感器来检测酒精含量的信号,使用ADC0832模数转换芯片将酒精传感器的模拟量转化为数字量,通过测量出的酒精数字量与单片机内部通过按键设置的酒精阈值进行比较,超过阈值由蜂鸣器和LED灯进行声光报警,同时由单片机通过蓝牙模块实时上传手机APP实时监控。通过这种系统可以有效的对饮酒人员进行提醒,当他安装了系统以后,可以通过手机一目了然的知道自己呼出气体的酒精含量。相信通过这个系统能够使越来越多的人能够控制自己的饮酒量,减少那些因为酒精而引发的的案件。

Abstract:The intelligent alcohol concentration measuring system designed this time can alert the excessive drinking, remind people to drink alcohol in a proper way, and pay attention to health. At the same time, they can also play an alarm role for drunk driving and remind the drinking person to prohibit driving. In order to realize this function, an STC89C52 microcontroller was used to develop and design an intelligent alcohol measurement system, By using the alcohol sensor to detect the signal of alcohol content, the ADC0832 analog conversion chip is used to convert the analog amount of the alcohol sensor into the digital quantity, and the alcohol digital amount measured is compared with the alcohol threshold set by the single chip computer, and the threshold is made by the buzzer and the LED lamp for the sound and light alarm. The real-time monitoring of mobile phone APP is uploaded in real time by Bluetooth module. Through this system, the drinking staff can be effectively reminded that when he has installed the system, he can know at a glance through his mobile phone the alcohol content of his exhaled gas. It is believed that through this system, more and more people can control their own alcohol consumption and reduce the cases caused by alcohol.
Keywords: Singlechip, alcoholsensor, Bluetooth


第一章 前言    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究目的    1
1.3 设计功能    1
第二章 系统方案的设计    2
2.1 系统设计要点    2
2.2系统总体框图    2
2.3 单片机方案的选择    2
2.4显示电路的选择    3
2.5按键的选择    3
2.6电源的选择    4
2.7 单片机简介    4
2.8 酒精模块简介    5
第三章 系统硬件电路设计    6
3.1 STC89C52单片机系统    6
3.2显示电路设计    7
3.3 按键控制模块    9
3.4模数转换电路    10
3.5三极管控制电路    11
3.6酒精采集电路    11
第四章 系统软件设计及实现    13
4.1设计的软件环境简介    13
4.2软件流程图设计    14
第五章 系统的调试与分析    15
5.1系统制作    15
5.2 硬件调试    16
5.3 软件调试    16
5.4整机调试    16
结论    16
参考文献    18
致 谢    19
