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Automatic Parking System Based on stm32
School of Electronic Information Engineering,NUIST,Nanjing 210044,China
Abstract:In order to meet people's demand for the operability and intelligence of vehicles, combined with rapid development of intelligence today, this paper designs an automatic parking technology. This design takes stm32f103c8t6 single chip microcomputer as the core and uses camera module, motor drive module, code wheel sensor and Bluetooth connection. The collected images are processed by the upper computer and returned to the numerical control car for automatic parking. The automatic parking system provides convenience for drivers who are not familiar with reversing into position.
Key words:STM32 MCU; Image processing; Automatic parking system


目 录
1.绪论    1
1.1研究的背景与意义    1
1.2研究的国内外现状    1
1.2.1国内研究现状    1
1.2.2国外研究现状    1
1.2.3发展趋势与意义    2
1.3论文主要内容    2
2.方案设计    2
2.1设计要求    2
2.2设计思路    3
3.图像处理与算法设计    3
3.1图像处理视觉库    3
3.2摄像头图像矫正    4
3.2图像处理算法    6
4.硬件设计    7
4.1主控制器    7
4.1.1方案比较与选择    7
4.1.2单片机介绍    7
4.2蓝牙HC-05模块    8
4.2.1方案比较与选择    8
4.2.2蓝牙模块与stm32的连接    9
4.3传感器模块    9
4.3.1方案的比较与选择    9
4.3.2码盘传感器与stm32的连接    10
4.4电机控制L198N模块    10
4.4.1电机控制模块介绍与连接    11
5.系统软件设计    11
5.1设计思路    11
5.2编译工具keil简介    11
5.3程序语言的选择    11
5.4主程序设计    12
5.4.1主控制器程序流程    12
5.4.2上位机程序流程    12
6.系统调试    13
6.1程序编译和调试    13
6.2硬件调试    13
6.2.2蓝牙HC-05模块的调试    14
6.3软件调试    15
6.4调试分析    17
7.总结    18
参考文献    19
致谢    20
