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摘   要
关键词:单片机  LCD显示屏 传感器 AD转换
The Design of the RLC Measuring Instrument
With the constant progress of the society, has been widely used all kinds of energy. Used to rely on wood, coal for the fire replaced by gas cooking way, but the gas main component is highly toxic carbon monoxide. In recent years as the China-Russia strategic natural gas energy import contracts signed, widely promoted to safer and more natural gas in our country. The main composition of natural gas is methane, it is a kind of inflammable and explosive gas, with natural gas, more and more families start to use natural gas. The main components of the gas methane are a flammable and explosive gas, when the concentration of methane in the air leakage of 5% ~ 15%, the flame would explode. Therefore, it is very urgent to solve the problem of the safe usage of natural gas. Today, the continuous development of science and technology, microcontroller technology already quite mature, has been widely applied to various types of control together, its low cost, small volume, easy to development and learning. Sensor technology is also in constant progress, its precision, portable, reliability, access to information is more and more high, and the cost is becoming more and lower. On the basis of the sensor and MCU of various instruments emerge in endlessly, already entered the ordinary people from the industrial demand。
Key Words : Single chip microcomputer; sensor; AD converter; LCD


目 录
摘   要    I
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1 设计的背景和意义    1
1.2 目前相关技术的发展情况    2
1.3 本文的安排    2
第二章 方案论证    3
2.1 系统总体方案设计    3
2.2 系统框图    3
2.3 系统硬件部分器材选型    3
2.3. 1传感器模块    5
2.3.2 MCU模块    5
2.3.3 显示模块    5
2.3.4 报警模块    6
2.3.4 电源模块    6
第三章 系统硬件电路设计    7
3.1 传感器模块硬件电路设计    7
3.2 MCU模块硬件电路设计    12
3.3 报警模块硬件电路设计    12
3.4 显示模块硬件电路设计    13
3.5电压转换模块硬件电路设计    16
3.6系统整体电路设计    17
第四章  系统软件设计    18
4.1 使用软件介绍    18
4.2 系统整体业务流程介绍    20
4.3显示模块软件设计    22
4.4 AD转换部分软件设计    24
4.5 报警模块软件设计    25
第五章  系统调试及总结    26
5.1软件调试    26
5.2硬件调试    27
5.3调试过程中发现的问题及解决方法    27
5.4成品演示    28
5.5系统总结    29
参考文献    30
致   谢    32
附录一 电路原理图    33
附录二实物图    34
