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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27080 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27080
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摘要: 本课题在stm32微控制器的基础上面研究并制作了智能台灯系统,该智能系统能够通过人体红外传感器检测台灯旁是否有人,再利用ADC 模块对采集的信号进行转变,从而控制调节台灯的开关,通过亮度电阻检测室内的光照强度来调整LED 的亮度,且可以通过超声波传感器模块检测人体与课桌的距离来触发蜂鸣报警器,并由液晶显示器显示相关信息。本课题研制的系统主要由硬件和软件两部分组成,硬件架构主要涵盖了stm32微处理器、亮度传感器、人体红外传感器、SR04传感器、ADC0832转换器、蜂鸣器、显示器等模块,软件部分包括总控和每个子模块的程序设计。智能台灯系统的测试结果显示,该智能系统能够实现上述的所有功能,且系统稳定,功率消耗较低。
关键词: LED 台灯; stm32;传感器;智能系统
Intelligent learning lamp design based on stm32
Abstract: This paper designed a set of intelligent learning lamp system based on stm32, the intelligent system through the human body infrared sensor detects whether desk lamp beside someone, reuse the ADC module to sampled signal transformation, so as to control and adjust the switch of desk lamp, brightness resistance testing of indoor light intensity to adjust the LED brightness, when ultrasonic sensor module testing to the human body and the distance from the desk close buzzer alarm, LCD display brightness. This system consists of two parts, hardware and software, the hardware part mainly includes the stm32, SR04 ultrasonic sensor, a buzzer module, oled LCD, brightness sensor, ADC0832 module, body induction module and power module, software part mainly includes the general control program and each module control. Experimental results show: this system has stronger applicability, easy to use, further verify the effectiveness of the design in this paper.
Key words: The LED lamp;stm32; Ultrasonic sensors; Intelligent system


目 录
1引言    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1. 2国内外研究现状    2
1.3本文工作安排    3
2系统总体设计    4
3 智能台灯系统硬件设计    4
3.1智能台灯系统主控制器选择    4
3.1.1 STM32 最小系统电路设计    5
3.1.2供电电路    5
3.1.3晶振电路    6
3.2光照度传感器    7
3.3测距传感器    8
3.4人体红外传感器    9
3.5音效传感器    9
4系统软件设计    10
4.1仿真软件简介    10
4.2 软件调试    11
5系统软硬件联调    11
6总结    13
致谢    14
参考文献    15
