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Solar automatic tracking system based on STM32
Abstract:In recent years, the heat of new energy vehicles has been increasing. This phenomenon reflects people's concerns about energy sustainability, and on the other hand, it reflects the awareness of human environmental protection.In the face of energy problems, many people think of the use of solar energy.Solar energy can be converted into electrical energy required by humans through photoelectric conversion and photothermal conversion. Both of these forms have certain requirements for the angle of the sun.And because the cost of solar power generation is high, it is necessary to increase its conversion efficiency. Therefore, the tracking system for the angle of the sun has a high economic value.The system uses four photosensitive sensors to detect the change of the sunlight illumination angle, and transmits the signal to the MCU STM32F103, which is driven by the main control to drive the two-axis stepper motor.In addition, you can judge the cloudy or sunny days and adjust the tracking strategy. In addition, the system is equipped with an LCD screen to display real-time light intensity.
Key words:Solar energy;Photosensitive sensor;STM32F103; Two-axis;Automatic tracking
1前言 3
2研究现状及原理 3
2.1光伏发电原理 3
2.2太阳自动跟踪系统的目的和意义 4
2.2.1光电追踪 4
2.2.2视日轨迹追踪 5
2.2.3两者结合 5
2.2.4单轴追踪 5
2.2.5双轴追踪 5
2.2.6最终选用方案 6
2.3国内外研究现状 6
3系统设计方案 7
3.1硬件设计 8
3.1.1主控芯片STM32F103C8T6 8
3.1.2电机驱动芯片ULN2003 10
3.1.3 28BYJ-48单极步进电机 12
3.1.4灵敏型光敏传感器 13
3.1.5双轴跟踪结构 14
3.1.6 LCD显示屏 14
3.2软件设计 15
3.2.1算法设计 15
3.2.2软件流程 16
4系统调试 17
4.1光源选择 17
4.2测试过程 17
4.3测试总结 18
4.4系统修正 18
4.4.1软件修正 18
4.4.2硬件修正 19
5总结 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22