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The design of afingerprint identification alarm system based on single chip microcomputer
Along with the rapid development of the science and technology in the modern society, the traditional way of personal identity such as passwords, tokens, sign and so on , Due to the separability of personal identity, becoming more and more easier to counterfeit, fake, theft and cracked. These old methods cannot satisfied the social and family economic activity and safety requirements. Fingerprints as a special sign accompany people are born with, is a representative of the person's unique features, it have very strong stability and uniqueness. Therefore, technology based on the fingerprint recognition was invented. Because of its availability,security, maturity, and low prices,fingerprint identification technology will become the mainstream of modern and future physical characteristics identification technology. Fingerprint identification technology will have many security and convenience to our life.
The design system using STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer as the core module, serial communication control ZFM-60 fingerprint module implements entry, storage, and identify the function of fingerprint data, and through the HS12864 LCD shows the result of fingerprint matching, supplemented by dc relay and light-emitting diode, the circuit simulation unlock buzzer action and to identify three times error alarm. This system has small volume, high cost performance, the transmission speed, the system is suitable for both families and companies.
Key Words: Fingerprint; Single chip microcontroller; Fingerprint identification technology


摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第一章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究的背景    1
1.2 指纹识别原理    2
1.3 论文所做的工作    3
第二章系统设计概述    5
2.1 系统的功能与模式    5
2.2 系统的方案选择    6
2.4.1单片机的选择方案    6
2.2.2 系统显示设计方案    6
2.2.3 指纹模块设计方案    7
2.2.4 按键控制设计方案    7
第三章硬件系统设计    8
3.1 系统硬件设计框图    9
3.2单片机最小系统    9
3.3 液晶显示模块    12
3.4 指纹模块    13
3.5 按键控制模块    15
3.6 声光报警模块    17
3.7继电器模块    19
第四章软件设计    20
4.1编译软件简介    20
4.2 主程序    21
4.3 键盘管理程序    22
4.4 显示模块程序    23
4.5 指纹模块程序    24
第五章系统调试    26
5.1 电路的焊接    26
5.2 程序的烧写    27
5.3 系统的调试    27
结束语    32
参考文献    33
致谢    35
附录一系统电路图    36
附录二程序设计    37
