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摘 要
关键词:无线 防盗 报警
Wireless Burglar Alarm Design
This paper is mainly based on the SCT89S52 microcontroller using wireless communication technology and sensor technology, designed to enable detection of human infrared signal and a vibration signal of alarm. Apparatus includes a human-controlled arm, disarm, test function. Infrared detection module, between the vibrating alarm monitoring module and the main control circuit connected via wireless devices. After a certain time arming the owner can leave the alarm device to prevent false alarms. After arming unmanned near or when no vibration alarm device is on alert. When someone broke into armed zone or vibration detection means detects the vibration source into the anti-theft device when the device is in alarm state, sound and light alarm. While the alarm shows the alarm location, in the case if the two are in alarm, the last found a subject touched alarm device. When the alarm can be disarmed by the control circuit or by using a wireless remote control of the device is no longer disarm the alarm.
Based on the study after study completed abroad before wireless burglar alarm devices, hardware and software device design, simulation testing and production. After testing, the circuit is stable, can fully realize the predetermined function.
目 录
摘 要 I
目录 III
第一章 导论 1
1.1 背景及意义 1
1.2 相关发展现状 2
1.3 设计要求 4
第二章 报警器硬件设计 6
2.1 设计思路 6
2.2 人体红外热释检测模块 8
2.3 振动检测模块 10
2.4 主控系统 12
2.4.1单片机最小系统 12
2.4.2接收电路 14
2.4.3报警显示电路 15
2.5 遥控器电路设计 15
2.6 整体电路 16
第三章 软件设计 18
3.1主程序设计流程 18
3.2对主程序进行设计 19
3.3程序调试 22
3.4 系统仿真 23
第四章 成品制作与测试 25
4.1 硬件焊接 25
4.2 功能测试 26
第六章 总结与展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29