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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27976 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27976
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摘 要
关键词:AT89S52  智能密码锁  语音提示  ISD1420
Microcontroller-based intelligent locks
This design is based on single-chip control of intelligent code lock, the reason for this purpose is now increasingly high popularity of intelligent systems, features of this software/hardware design of intelligent code lock is: try to meet system performance of these rules reduce the possibility of system design costs. higher-performance MCU implements the combination lock feature on. Because individual modules are relatively independent, low cost, ease of upgrades and maintenance and so on.
 This paper first presented in this article adopts ISD1420 chip for voice control of the programme, and select using AT89S52. Next focused on password input module, alarm module, display module, storage module, module design process in detail. Then discusses how the software works, processes, as well as the core code.
Test results show that the system can achieve guard against theft and alarm function of the design, voice prompt function, functions that meet the design requirements.
Key word: AT89S52; intelligent password lock; voice prompt; ISD1420


目  录
摘 要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1智能密码锁概述    1
1.2 基本功能    2
1.3论文结构    2
第二章  硬件设计方案    3
2.1方案选择    3
2.2 模块电路的设计    4
2.2.1单片机时钟电路的设计    4
2.2.2 单片机复位电路的设计    5
2.2.3存储电路    6
2.2.4报警电路    7
2.2.5 显示电路    7
2.2.6开锁电路    8
2.2.7语音播报电路    8
2.2.8 矩阵按键模块    9
第三章 智能密码锁的软件设计    11
3.1 程序设计的语言选择    11
3.2 程序设计遵守的原则    11
3.3 程序模块化设计    12
3.4 各模块程序介绍    12
3.4.1主程序模块    12
3.4.2按键输入代码    14
3.4.3显示程序    16
3.5 本章小结    18
第四章 测试与调试    20
4.1调试过程中遇到的问题和解决方案    20
4.2 运行在硬件上的结果    20
第五章 总结    26
致谢    27
参考文献    28
附录    29
