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摘 要
关键词:SPCE061A 语音采集 语音识别 语音处理
The speech acquisition system based on SCM
In recent years, in the wake of developments in science and technology, brilliant progress has been made in the technology of speech acquisition and recognition. Because of the progress, speech technology gradually takes its place on daily life instead of in the laboratory. Speech acquisition system is an important part of speech technology and it also gradually becomes an indispensable part of social life and human development. Therefore, the speech acquisition system based on SCM will has higher practical value.
In this essay, the plan of the whole design will be explicitly introduced. The essay has been divided into several modules to introduce some basic functions and work principles of the speech acquisition system based on SCM. The key SCM in the plan is SPCE061A produced by Ling Yang Corporation. Here are its peripheral circuits: the module of electret microphone speech acquisition the module of small loudspeaker voice prompting the module of LED display the module of power source the module of reset. The result will be displayed by voice prompt and LED through single chip storage after the speech signal has been acquired and the comparison of treatment has been made. In this essay, the organization and function of each module and the design of soft hardware will be explicitly analyzed.
It is sure that the function of each module has all met the requirements in this design.
Keywords: SPCE061A; audio capturing; voice recognition; speech processing
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2语音采集系统概述 1
1.3本论文的设计任务 2
1.4论文的结构 2
第二章 语音采集系统的硬件设计 3
2.1 方案选择 3
2.2各模块电路 5
2.2.1 最小单片机系统 5
2.2.2 MIC语音采集模块 9
2.2.3 语音播放模块 10
2.2.4 LED显示模块 12
2.2.5 电源模块 12
2.2.6 复位模块 13
2.3 本章小结 14
第三章 语音采集系统的软件设计 15
3.1 编译平台 15
3.2程序的组成部分 16
3.2.1 函数部分变量的申明 16
3.2.2 语音播放函数 16
3.2.3 语音储存函数 17
3.2.4 主程序 19
3.3 本章小结 25
第四章 系统调试及结果 26
4.1程序编译结果 26
4.2调试过程中遇到的问题和解决方案 26
4.3 运行效果展示 27
第五章 总结 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31
附录 32