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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D27980 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27980
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摘   要
关键词:单片机  数字温度计  DS18B20  仿真  

Design and Simulation of digital thermometer
Single chip technology has penetrated into our daily life, work, scientific research and other fields, the digital thermometer is composed of microcomputer with DS18B20 temperature sensor, which has the characteristics of simple structure, convenient operation, strong anti-interference ability and so on, and has a good application prospect.
This paper firstly introduces the whole function of digital thermometer development history, research significance and analysis of the overall function and system, then introduces the main control chip system and programming environment, and then describes in detail the design of hardware circuit and software flow design of the system, finally the debugging and simulation results of the system are given, and the text of the summary and outlook.
Key words:SCM;Digital thermometer;DS18B20;Simulation


目  录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1数字温度计的历史与发展    1
1.2数字温度计的研究意义    1
1.3对系统任务的分析    2
1.4实现方案    3
1.5论文的结构安排    4
第二章 主控芯片及编程环境的介绍    5
2.1主控芯片AT89C52的介绍    5
2.2编程环境的介绍    8
2.2.1硬件电路设计平台    8
2.2.2软件编程环境介绍    8
第三章 硬件电路的设计和实现    10
3.1系统硬件电路整体构成    10
3.2系统的工作原理    10
3.3温度采集模块    11
3.3.1 DS18B20综述    11
3.3.2 DS18B20内部结构    12
3.4液晶显示模块    14
3.5报警模块    16
3.5.1蜂鸣器报警    17
3.5.2光控报警    17
3.6晶振和复位模块    17
3.6.1时钟电路    17
3.6.2复位电路    18
第四章 软件程序的设计和实现    19
4.1系统主流程    19
4.2子程序模块    20
4.2.1温度采集及处理程序    20
4.2.2液晶显示程序    23
4.2.3报警程序    24
第五章 系统的调试以及仿真    26
5.1调试过程    26
5.2基本功能测试    26
5.2.1温度的显示    26
5.2.2低温报警    26
5.2.3高温报警    28
5.2.4高低温同时报警    29
第六章 总结与展望    30
参考文献    31
致  谢    33
附  录    34
