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摘  要
关键字   继电器    GSM模块   远程   开关控制

Remote switch controller design based on MSP430 chip microcomputer
As the mainstream of today's intelligent household, remote switch control system in the field of the design and application of smart home is occupying an important position, via text message, telephone and other ways people not at home can also be quick and easy control of home appliances for opening and closing. At present, remote control technology has a wide range of applications in military, agriculture, aerospace, daily life, and other fields, greatly promote the progress of the human way of life, believe in the future days in the development of remote control technology will achieve more ideal height.
Through to the remote control relay switch so as to achieve control of the electric circuit the work and the study and implementation of the theory of closed, for the specific application of remote switch control system has important practical value.
Remote switch was analyzed in this article, first of all, the basic principle of the controller, in the process of implementation, the message is received by GSM module clients, GSM module and MSP430 MCU through the serial port connection, the users send text messages by MSP430 single chip microcomputer is analyzed, so as to realize control of the circuit, and then made by GSM module current switch state of the circuit to the client, so that to reach the remote switch control process and get the feedback circuit state.
Key Words: Electrical relay  GSM module  long-distance  switch control


目  录
摘  要    I
目  录    I
第一章  绪论    1
1.1课题的发展和研究的意义    1
1.2课题项目的实际应用和意义    1
1.3本文研究的内容和组织结构    2
第二章 总体设计方案    4
2.1系统实现过程    4
2.1.1系统信息传递    4
2.1.2设计已达成的效果    4
2.2系统方案框图    4
第三章 硬件电路设计    6
3.1 MSP430F5529单片机简介    6
3.1.1MSP430F5529单片机的特点    6
3.1.2 MSP430F5229单片机最小系统    7
3.1.3 MSP430F5529有四种供电方案设置    8
3.2 SIM900A远程数据发送接收模块    9
3.3继电器部分及性能简介    10
3.4硬件部分的搭建    10
3.5需要使用到的板载资源    11
第四章 软件程序设计    12
4.1完整系统的流程图    13
4.2运行程序的主函数    13
4.3短信收发模块    15
4.3.1 SIM900A的初始化    15
4.3.2 AT指令集    16
4.3.3 串口中断函数    18
4.4 单片机的显示模块    21
4.4.1 LED灯的显示    21
4.4.2 液晶屏的显示    22
4.5单片机对继电器的控制    22
4.6 开发环境与语言    24
4.6.1软件开发环境    24
4.6.2 开发语言    24
第五章 实验结果分析    26
5.1 系统软硬件部分测试    26
5.2测试过程介绍    26
5.3结果分析    28
第六章 总结和展望    29
6.1 设计总结    29
6.2 有待进一步解决的问题和展望    30
参考文献    31
致谢    33
