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摘    要

Parties colluding in fraud litigation refers to civil litigation, conspired to prepare false facts and evidence to the Court, the jurisdiction of the courts, the right to Executive, illicit appropriation or damage of State, collective and the property or rights of action. Malicious litigation and fraud litigation has some similarities, but there are still some differences to distinguish. However, the legal liability of civil fraud litigation hold is not in place, is not very clear, the lack of a mechanism and procedures to effectively review the fraud litigation regulation, civil fraud Litigation Act is the main obligations of the civil law is a basic requirement. Study on false testimony in civil litigation issues, causing serious damage to China's judicial justice, efforts is more fair to the social and legal environment, and justice, and implement the spirit of the rule of law.

Keywords:Fraud litigation; Review regulation;The rule of law requires
目    录
第一章  引言    1
第二章  民事虚假诉讼的概述    2
2.1 民事虚假诉讼的含义    2
2.2 虚假诉讼的构成要件    2
2.3 虚假诉讼的特点    3
2.3.1 诉讼当事人之间有特殊关系    3
2.3.2 虚假当事人配合默契    4
2.3.3 行为人专业化程度高    4
第三章 民事虚假诉讼中的具体现象    5
3.1 当事人之间的恶意串通    5
3.2 具有欺骗性和隐蔽性    5
3.3 识别滞后且不易查处    5
3.4 滥用诉讼调解    6
3.4.1 利用人民调解进行司法确认    6
第四章  民事虚假诉讼的原因分析    8
4.1 我国规制虚假作证的现行措施    8
4.2 我国规制虚假作证的不足    8
4.3 审查机制不完善    9
4.3.1 民事证据的审查制度过于笼统    9
4.3.2 法官管理制度不合理    9
4.3.3 缺乏监督主体    9
4.4 我国立法工作的滞后性    10
第五章  对民事虚假诉讼的法律规制建议    11
5.1 完善民事诉讼的证据规制    11
5.2 加强对虚假诉讼的制裁力度    11
5.3 建立遏制虚假诉讼的联合机制    12
5.4 完善对证人证言的权益保护    12
第六章  结论    14
参考文献    15
致    谢    16
