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关键词   新媒体   刑法  信息安全

Under the background of new media research of criminal law  protection of information security
     China's Internet technology increasingly progress, the Internet is emerging as a Chinese citizens to obtain information and important way to express their own points of view. Under the background of new media, relying on advanced new media information spread by information technology and information transmission platform often may include national security information, personal privacy information, commercial confidential information, and a series of important information. Can say under the background of new media information transmission of value and importance is growing. At the same time, under the background of the new media of information transmission, storage, release technology is advanced, the variety. And of the new media era for the current information security protection is concerned, its research direction more concentrated and information security technology research, the study of legal system, especially in the field of criminal law study also exists a certain gap. The existing criminal law system in the face of a new new media technology emerge in endlessly, it is very difficult to new media provide a criminal sanctions under the background of information protection. For this reason, in the face of the new media under the background of hard to avoid all kinds of information security incidents, in view of the new media under the background of information security problems in the criminal law protection research undoubtedly has very important theory meaning and practice meaning. So this article will first Ming new media and other related concepts and characteristics, this paper under the background of new media in the information security problem, and then summarizes the analysis of the new media under the background of the criminal law to protect the information security problems and the reasons. And on this basis puts forward under the background of new media to the feasibility of the criminal law to protect information security strategies and Suggestions.

Keywords:The new media  The criminal law  Information security

摘要    2
Abstract    3
一、引言    4
(一) 研究背景    4
(二)研究意义    4
二、相关概念及理论基础    5
(一)新媒体的概念及内涵    5
(二)新媒体与传统媒体的区别    5
2.2.1 信息传播方式的变革    5
2.2.2信息犯罪的犯罪主体涵盖性延伸    6
三、新显现的新媒体信息安全问题    6
(一)国家信息安全问题    6
(二)商业信息安全问题    7
(三)个人隐私信息安全问题    8
四、我国现有刑法体制对信息安全的保护不足    9
(一)当前刑法体系无法有效对信息犯罪进行犯罪遏制    9
(二)新媒体背景下针对信息安全的刑法体保护体系有待完善    10
(三)行为人低龄化与当前刑事责任年龄制度存在冲突    10
(四)新媒体背景下的单位信息犯罪问题    11
(五)未能彻底贯彻罪行法定原则    11
五、完善新媒体背景下我国刑法保护体系的可行性建议    12
(一)增设关于信息安全的刑法条文并扩大刑法关键词解释范围    12
 (二)完善新媒体背景下的刑法保护体系    12
(三)适当降低新媒体信息犯罪的主体责任年龄认定标准    13
(四)完善单位信息犯罪相关立法    13
结论    13
参考文献    14
致谢    14
