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On the deficiency and perfection of the system of declaring death in China


Abstract: the beginning of the establishment of the system of death is to solve the state of uncertain civil legal relations, such as property relations and identity relations caused by the unidentified whereabouts of the dead, and the system of stability and creation for the sake of social stability, and the value function of maintaining stability at the beginning of the establishment, but with the effect of maintaining stability. With the continuous development of relevant theories, the theoretical circle has gradually realized the lack of theory and practice of declaring the death system itself. Based on this, the main object of this paper is to make a specific analysis on the shortcomings of the declaration of death system, and put forward the corresponding two on this basis. The author hopes to provide some reference value for the reform of the system of declaration of death in China.

Key words: declaration of death system; value; Civil legal relationship

一、宣告死亡制度的理论分析    1
(一)宣告死亡的制度概述    1
1.宣告死亡的概念    1
2.宣告死亡制度的构成要件    1
3.宣布死亡制度的价值    1
(二)宣布死亡制度的立法体例    2
1.宣布死亡的制度的立法体例    2
2.宣布死亡立法体例分析评价    2
3.宣告死亡制度的历史渊源    2
二、我国宣告死亡制度不足的表现    3
(一)理论不足    3
1. 制度创设逻辑混乱    3
2. 制度适用价值缺失    4
(二)实践不足    4
1. 宣告死亡利害关系人顺位之争议问题    4
2. 宣告死亡与婚姻关系解除的冲突问题    5
3. 宣告死亡与宣告死亡后的财产返还问题    5
三、完善我国宣告死亡制度的建议    6
(一)财产代管制度的重构    6
(二)宣告死亡之利害关系人范围限定    6
(三)宣告失踪制度与宣告死亡制度价值重构    7
结语    8
参考文献    9
致谢    10
