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摘 要:当今社会是一个利益多元化、民主与法治精神不断提升、越来越注重人文关怀的社会,司法制度应与这一社会背景相融合,通过做出相应调整,增强制度的包容性,寻求多样化的问题解决模式,以实现刑事司法程序效益的最大化。与传统的刑事司法纠纷解决机制相比,刑事和解制度是一种适应时代发展的解决纠纷的新模式,它对保护当事人双方的利益以及修复被破坏的社会关系起到了至关重要的作用。在人们追求通过司法制度解决矛盾的多元化努力的推动下,刑事和解制度应运而生。

Concerning Victim-Offender-Reconciliation System in our Country
Abstract: Benefits of today's society is a pluralistic, democracy and the rule of law than ever, more and more attention to humanistic concern community. The judicial system should be consistent with the social background of the integration,through an adjustment,enhance the system inclusive, seeking a variety of problem-solving model, the criminal justice process in order to achieve the maximization of efficiency, in order to achieve this goal. Contrary to the traditional criminal judicial dispute resolution mechanism, victim-offender mediation system is a kind of new mode to solve dispute for adapting to the social development. It plays a vital role in protecting the interests of both parties and repairing damaged social relationship. Driven by diversification efforts of people’s solving the contradictions through judicial system, the victim-offender mediation system emerged.
Key words:Victim-offender Mediation; Necessity; Feasibility; Structuring


