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摘 要:被害人承诺作为正当化事由,排除犯罪行为的犯罪性原则已得到大多数刑法学者的认同。本文界定了被害人承诺的概念,对被害人承诺成立要件进行了探讨,并对被害人承诺对我国刑法的借鉴意义展开了讨论。
关键词:被害人承诺; 正当化事由 ; 承诺的成立要件
On the victim commitment
Abstract: Victim as a legitimate ground to exclude the principle of the criminal offense has been the recognition that most criminal law scholars. This article discusses the commitments outlined in the victim, from the victims of the elements in the establishment of an analysis, which were committed on the victim's reference to the Criminal Law of the discussion.
Key words: Victim;Legitimate ground; Commitment to the establishment of elements