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摘  要:开发区管委会作为合同主体签订的土地出让合同是土地一级市场中常见的情形,也引发了许多土地出让纠纷。与开发区管委会相关的土地出让纠纷中,焦点一般集中在开发区管委会是否具有合同主体资格,出让合同是否具有法律效力上。本文从土地出让合同的性质着手分析管委会的法律地位,进而分析管委会在出让合同中的主体资格,在此基础上对管委会职能的不足以及完善决提出了若干法律建议。

Discussion on the legal status of district Administration committee concerning the land transfer contract
Abstract: Zone administration committee as contract subject land transfer contract signed with the primary market is the land of common case, also led to many land transfer dispute. And zone administration committee related land transfer dispute, focus general concentration in the zone administration committee does have the contract assignment contract subject qualification, whether has the force of law. This article from the nature of the land transfer contract to analysis the ac legal status, and then analyzes the administrative subject qualification in the contract and on the basis of the ac functions and the deficiency of the perfect definitely put forward several legal advice.
 Key words: Development Zone Management Committee; land transfer contract; legal status;



