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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D10092 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D10092
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摘    要

关键词:经纪人  明星  包装  策略
From the experiences of the development process to see the art market, the broker for the healthy development of the art market plays an important role. A complete theatrical market, not only have a moderate growth of performing arts companies, and the need to actively participate in arts brokers. Brokers in the transfer from the star , salaries, bonuses, appearance fees , sponsorship fees and star performances performing operational costs and other business profits get big commissions at the same time , of course, but also for the entertainment made a great contribution . Only first change agent model, we have a chance to change the current status of mainland China entertainment. Danny Chan, Faye Wong, Eason Chan, three of them obviously not a class of people, but their success ultimately gold broker chenjiaying credit. Eason debut 95 years to enter the draft, why in 2004 his career was in full swing yet. These are not only thanks to his professional ability; I think the most important thing chenjiaying unique vision and expertise helped her Eason. I think this era is to allow viewers to choose the artists, rather than the artist to choose the audience. Only in this way to change the root of entertainment, that is to change the traditional mode of packaging broker. In this paper, respectively, from the Star Packing Problems, brokers packaging development proposals for the star and the star of brokerage industry to establish a sound system of several aspects to elaborate.

Keywords: Agent Star Packaging Strategy

目    录

引言    1
一、经纪人概述    1
二、明星包装存在的问题    2
(一)经纪公司缺乏行业规范    2
(二)明星的个性化特色    2
(三)明星工具把控意识的缺位    3
三、经纪人对明星包装的发展建议    3
(一)建立明星测评定位机制    4
(二)细化明星包装部门,丰富明星包装层次    4
(三)善用明星工具,加强形象与资本的推广    5
(四)建立完善的明星经纪行业制度    5
结论    7
参考文献    8
