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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D14873 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D14873
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关键词:德彪西 音乐形象 亚麻色头发的少女

The main content of this paper is Debussy "flaxen haired girl" the characteristics of musical language and performance analysis, summarized characteristics and performance analysis and its application to glimpse of Debussy's creative thinking, techniques and concepts. Debussy is a famous composer and pianist in France. Nineteenth Century to twentieth Century, an important representative of the development of music. The to Debussy "s piano pieces" flaxen haired girl "as an example, constructed from tonality and harmonic color changes and melody show Yan development aspects, analyzes the" osmosis "to stimulate the use of, from the works of melody, creative features, Prelude music style, tonality, harmony, musical form structure, to explain the image of music works, temperament, from the performance perspective analysis of technical difficulties, for the correct interpretation of the works provide a correct theoretical basis.

Key words: Debussy, Music image, The Girl With The Flaxen Girl

目  录
第一章  作者、作品相关介绍    2
1、作者简介    2
2、音乐风格的定义    3
3、音乐风格--印象派小品    3
4、《亚麻色头发的少女》的主要内容    3
5、 《亚麻色头发的少女》的音乐风格    3
 第二章  作品的音乐语言特征    4
1、作品的音乐语言背景    5
2、演奏的主题、基本内容    5
3、作品的音乐语言特征    5
第三章《亚麻色头发的少女》的演奏分析    8
1、演奏分析    8
总结    10
参考文献:    11
