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摘 要: “阳光体育运动”是吸引广大青少年学生走向操场、走进大自然、走到阳光下,积极参加体育锻炼。本文主要通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等方法,对屯溪区六所城镇小学阳光体育运动开展的情况进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析。结果表明:屯溪区城镇小学阳光体育运动开展的总体状况不容乐观。学校对阳光体育运动的宣传力度不够,学生课业负担重,体育锻炼时间不足,体育课被占用的现象非常严重,领导重视程度不够,学校运动场地、器材等设施配备缺乏,体育师资力量薄弱。同时,学生家长对学生体育运动的重视程度不够。 经过分析与研究,为黄山市小学阳光体育运动更好的开展提供一些相应的措施与对策。
The study on the current develepment and some countermeasures of physical education actiwities in Tunxi district suburb primary schools
Abstract: Sunshine Sports "is to attract the broad masses of young students to the playground, into the nature, walking under the sun, and make them actively participate in physical exercise. In this paper, I through literature survey, expert interviews, statistics and other mathematical methods, make a survey about the Sunshine Sports carried out in six primary schools in Tunxi District, and make a analysis about the results. The results show that the overall situation of sunshine sports carried out in Tunxi District primary schools is not optimistic. First, the school is insufficient to the publicity of Sunshine Physical Education. Second, the students bear heavy schoolwor. Third, The physical training time is insufficient.In addition, the physical education class is often taken by other lessons. What's worse, leadership attention is not enough. School lack facility as well as sports ground. The ability of sports teacher is quite weak compared with other subject teachers. At the same time, the students' parents take little attention to the importance of sports. Through the research and analysis, it can provide some appropriate measures and countermeasures and make Huangshan Elementary school sunshine sports a better development.
key words: Sunshine Sports; Tunxi district; Urban primary schools; Current development; Countermeasures.